Sunday, September 15, 2024

Stop that and this goes*

Stop that and this goes*

What have you done from the beginning to now
All that you have learned from acceptance and allowed
Like many that has come here to learn to exist
Find out without acceptance and becoming one to resist

But did you ever see a raging river stop as it goes out to the sea
Its violence rolling over itself but knows acceptance makes it free
So, with resistance what does one have to gain
In an awakened world balance will always remains

But how does one get to balance, harmony and peace
It has a self-realization within as thoughts begin to cease
And a lot has to with an ego with multiple attached desires
Because of this in attachment it pulls you in like the muck and mire 

That is why to this day the world is not on course
It is living outside itself not connected to source
Maybe one day it will not wish to be always on top
But instead make its wheel of suffering finally stop

Dom*Colucci © 2024

Truth just "happens" to be a visitor*

Truth just "happens" to be a visitor*

 I am only one in the middle of here

To the vastness of space and within so near

To know of nothing but need not to say

The form of detachment for this is the way

In its notice of the cosmos around

All is in connection back here on this ground

The texture of what I indulge in is this void in space

How liberating of being to be in this place

I have had an epiphany, and it goes from point A to B

All that has entered my life at the same time has let go to be free

So, with this epiphany from the start of this root

I as we all are, just visiting into eternity as this is the truth

Dom*Colucci © 2024

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Flat is that, but this exists*

Flat is that, but this exists*

Take a good look into space

What does one see from this place?

It may look like a 3D reality in its scene

But is not real if you know what this means

When I stare into it, in a gaze

Mesmerizing in evaporation in this daze

I begin to see that dimension is not right

On how shadows form on objects into the light

The more I observe even though shadows seem clear

Going deeper I see flatness in sight from here

For the only dimension that I see is what I touch

I cannot vouch beyond these eyes in validity to that as much

Hence when I enter any scenario my being exists

With this notion that I just know that I don't resist

Then I can truly say what is external will always be flat

Until the moment I touch this then that will be that

Dom*Colucci © 2024

Where you are, is aware*

Where you are, is aware*

 A word that seems to be pretty fair

That word sends out the frequency from here to there

It tells you from feelings in travelling to where

That word is simply known as being aware

But did you ever see that it turns back into itself

Like from another reach going onto the shelf

Becoming of its own knowing from its knowing

And not seeing what is out there but inside here it is showing

From this we can "see" who we really are

Just being that being and not observing very far

This point that we do see this we are awakened you see

And know of the who which is you,  the you within me

Dom*Colucci © 2024

The heart knows all about you*

The heart knows all about you* 

All my life I was told to yearn

A hunger and a passion for me to learn

Many trials came along up and down

I seem to have beat them as they go round and round

But the older I got a bit more mature and wise

I have noticed something about them to my surprise

I have found out and like a joke with a bit of laughter

From all that I did learn it did not matter

Why? because of this thing called an awakening simple and true

Somehow all the long it always seemed to knew 

Like I have been here as it seen me from before

I have learned to let go so I could see some more

And I did and now I just watch into space

And see how all things in my life fall into place

Yes I have noticed from this, backwards we were taught

Because in those teachings that life was made to be sought

But now I know of this freedom and no longer bound

Yes my life loses its KARMA from going round and round

So for now I observe all things in awareness instead

As I use my heart in the following and not what is in my head

Dom*Colucci © 2024

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Suffering "touches" all*

Suffering "touches" all* 

Once upon a time so long ago

A creator came along in something it just knows

A void sat around and got plump and fat

But that void did not last and that is that

So, with this void there was a tone of light

Might of it all opposite was the night

From that to which came of many other things

Fish in the ocean and birds sky high to sing

All was a huge harvest that kept all in psynchronistic pleasure

Something that was a masterpiece it was a heavenly treasure

Now this being was bored and wanted to be an image of real

Smack dab in the middle of it all with a heart to feel

Yes, it was its love that made everything in its surround

It was the tree of life on solid ground

But there was another opposite with sinister delight

Temptation to prove what was wrong and what was right

Its opposite came with a partner to be

To be and share as one, a place eternally

But a voice came along, and it listened not to resist

Making it to dominate while it exists

So, what was told was not to touch

It could be one consistently and of all so much

But it did not listen in this case disobeyed

Now the veil was set around this image now its ego it portrayed

And because of this disobedience the world became the wheel

SOUL* was hidden, ego became master and the heart it doth steal

So, a long journey came along many masters come and go

They had wisdom for the many but the many did not know

Only certain few to this day from those masters it did make

Yes, only the few "in" the world not "of" it", do awake

And when that day comes and breaking free from the ego's pardon

Another leaves the illusionary matrix and enters the beginnings garden

With me telling this story in my own version that I see

That many will still follow only a few will be free

It is because of conditioning in attachments they desire as such

But to the enlightened beings they will leave that world alone without touch

Dom*Colucci © 2024

The truth is it happens, see it?

The truth is it happens, see it?

Did you ever wonder what the truth is?

Steering a look at from validity and one to miss

But a closer examination of what one sees

Being on to its trail, eyeing it clearly

Just take an onion many layers to peel

Pulling from its core, another layer I steal

Is there disappointment when one comes to an end

Searching from each pull again and again

But now there is nothing here to prove of this

That there is no truth in nothing, and it does not exist

But to the one that is wise and agrees to concur

The truth is a happening, did you just see it occur?

Dom*Colucci © 2024

Stop that and this goes*

Stop that and this goes* What have you done from the beginning to now All that you have learned from acceptance and allowed Like many that h...