Wednesday, August 12, 2015

What "eye" do "I" see?*

If I look into it, it looks into me
Both eyes parallel within to see
Merging with this view as we both agree
From this it is I that is it and it that is me
No self in knowing but rather to be
Both leaving separation from duality
Inner sight and wisdom now becomes unity
And a world that I no longer belong to, for now I am free

Dom8Colucci 2015

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Alas a time has come*

Alas a time has come*

Alas that a time has come
Heat of the moment has now been done
Bright newness in the dull of the day
A cooling sensation is now on the way

Gray is the sky that are settling right here
The feeling of this, beginning to shed some tears
As clouds begin to turn inward in a squeeze
A thirst that parched land is in its need

No thunder or lightning in a clatter
Just droplets of tiny gems that go pitter patter
Streaming vertical to come hit the ground
And follow a river home to go back around

Let the clouds empty to fulfill this time
It is rain that makes poetry, listen to it rhyme
The sun knows when to stop this when it is done
Remember this, alas that a time will come

Dom*Colucci 2015

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...