Saturday, December 17, 2016

Wichita lineman*

Wichita lineman*

I have made it this far as my life, seemed very lost
Tho I stood up, it was a time that I had to cross
But it was of a life that seem so barren and cold
To find another heart in comfort to love and hold

I have never met you and I ask "are you out there?"
To know of your loving heart and someone who cares
To send back a love for two to build my heart up
Knowing how much your love to me in filling my cup

I know that you are not a fantasy to live out
As what is within myself I cannot have doubt
I trust with my heart with love that all will be fine
As I know that I one day will call you from a Wichita line

Dom*Colucci 2016

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One with another*

  One with another* See how the sun plays on the mountain side The moon that does move the water into the tide All in this world influences ...