Sunday, August 27, 2017

The middle of nowhere*

The middle of nowhere*

In a distance I see you all alone
In the middle of nowhere content at home
No struggle, burden no despair 
Settled without duality nothing to compare

You face many directions a spot in the center
The river flows toward you and allow it to enter
Peaceful without judgment watching the world go by
Just letting it be without an idea to try

No, it is there you just stay
Pushing both sides around you away
Your feet are planted and firm where they stand
As said you are in the middle of nowhere, you are an island

Dom*Colucci © 2017

Saturday, August 5, 2017

We are inside out*

We are inside out

Everything in the surround sits in its place
A deeper look into this there is nothing but space
Objects that are obstacles in some means of connection
No fluidity is known but the way in its direction

But the more one sees what is here
It becomes more and more to be crystal clear
What is then seen a deeper meaning is in the find
As one looks are we really in God's "mind"?

If that is the case then why is all ignorant to be seen
Then is God sleeping about this dream?
If one then awakens and their eyes then can see
Does God awaken too and both are free?

Then when we are free from this dream to be one
And the illusion dissolves to be of none
It will show this truth in no doubt
The bubble is broken of ignorance to finally be without

So to ask what was that that I just left?
That it held onto me adhering where I was kept
A prisoner in a world, a place where nothing is held
Where everything that I was in that my eyes were in its spell 

Dom*Colucci © 2017

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...