Saturday, November 25, 2017

No-thing is a "now"-thing*

No-thing is a "now"-thing*

Everything touches it in what it cannot see
As it is empty space that above all is totally free
No feeling or emotion or burden to take in
But to keep its constant flow of nothing, again and again

Its essence does it not have no beginning or end
But an energy to keep things in place as oneness is its blend
It accepts all that it holds and lets go at the same time
Poetic from its flow and its void knows to rhyme

Can you feel this in its clarity as it is so pure?
To be engulfed by this nothingness, a wonderful texture
Once within and realized that this space is there
Transparency merges with you then becoming more aware

Nothing only takes what it is given as to any form
It does not know of when it is either cold or when its warm
It just always seems to be of empty space
And covers so much territory and touches every place

So in analyzing nothing what this was all about
That to which cannot be grasped can never have doubt
It has openness and also all the time allows
Nothing has no place to go for it lives in the now

Dom*Colucci © 2017

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...