Saturday, July 27, 2019

Truth sticks, fallacies get stuck

Truth sticks, fallacies get stuck

Many obstacles and many barriers
A cling towards gravity as this is the carrier
Somehow all things that are in its chosen place
Are only a detailed illusion in all of space

Thus there is tho and energy field
That not only emits force but somehow it steals
Cyclic endeavor to alternate and go round
Repelling and attracting in the surround

A continuance jumping from one spot to the next
Correction in electrical fields as it makes it fix
It has not gone any where since the beginning of years 
Recreating and substantiating itself right here

In one giant globe of glued atom flux
Only the light of truth can pull them from being stuck
But that takes a deeper seeing and one may never know
Never is there search, it is the enlightened that the truth shall show

Dom*Colucci © 2019

1 comment:

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...