Sunday, September 29, 2019

You already are, do you see it?*

You already are, do you see it?*

What are you to be when you grow up?
Many say many things to fill the professional cup
But that never exists in an awakened world they come to
They strive like mental slaves into thinking to be, have and do

Deadlines to what they give to hard work
The failure if one does not pass, this also lurks
Striving for that life to achieve that carrot as the goal
But the wonder is always there but doubt takes its hold

From this within the immune system breaks down
More of a frequency of static attracts from the surround
Yes that one is rising to the top but that goal has much stress
Feeding more of what is within with ignorance no rest

So to those that wish to be something that they need to be
You are already who you are but you just do not see
As it was a long journey that seen you to be of its one
When you know of its wisdom, your path is complete and done

Dom*Colucci © 2019

Seek and ye shall be blind*

Seek and ye shall be blind*

Once awhile ago, I believe back in July 2007
I got deep within myself, a door into heaven
Lotus position into a calm stillness state
Followed by my breathing and began to meditate

I reached the core and began in a void to see
Another being was there, Amitabha Buddha looking at me
He gave me a riddle to solve and to see clear
The other side of this riddle was the truth that was near

The muddy water sees clearly, the water is muddy, he jest
It only took a few seconds as my mind came to rest
I said that one's world is already clear but need to be centered
Once all that is their fog, that world of bliss can be entered

But the caveat is that one should remain always still
To keep the brain lobes at balanced as this will fulfill
Then there was another time I went into a deep meditative place
The surrounding area at calm and silence was in the space

It was Amitabha Buddha who returned once again
To ask me another koan as he started to begin
The window is cleaned but it is not cleared
Response was, eyes look forward never turn within to the rear

In this one sees inside and never looks without
There is only an illusion externally with judgment and doubt
Clarity is just that empty space with clear eyes and mind
To only a few will see and to the others peace they will not find

So if you are in a state to look at no more
It is because you did not get to the balanced to open that door
The teachings of this "modern" world do not come from professors or books
The awakened already know of this, it is to see and never look

 Dom*Colucci © 2019

Come back real soon, eh!*

Come back real soon, eh!*

Previously we were here but did not learn
Reincarnated from the KARMA, as we returned
What was the lesson to understand and know
With the ego, the eyes did not show

Hence we move forward in a seeking world
Only to find out no reveal to unfurl
To the many a gift of ignorance but only few to see
To those of the few it is ZEN* and its satori

With this lack of understanding, ignorance is to seek
But on the way through this path the few eyes begin to peek
Those eyes that can see where their origin began
And start to move away from a variable, troubled and chaotic land

Leaving the participants to correct the mistakes of others
They are the ones who fulfill more misery to another
We can see that  with the masses of these people
We find out they do not know of themselves we call sheeple

They love to agitate and cause many events to become
But they themselves are the agitation as this points back to one
So now we know that all in this world may never be enlightened
In reincarnation and KARMA, they all come back again

Dom*Colucci © 2019

Saturday, September 28, 2019



Vastness beyond what the eye can see
From what is above that points back at me
Many a light year that distance is also now
Stars and other universes in a beyond crowd

Light sparking jewels deep embedded dark
Outstanding light punched out in its mark
Many realities that connect to one source
Do you believe in other existences out there? Of course

We are not the only ones left alone
In different galaxies life holds its home
Would it not be something if we knew space travel
That would be the ultimate puzzle to unravel

To see how another reality exists
And to leave earth no longer to know of this
As then to tap in the kingdom of Divine domain
And to reach that higher consciousness and to know of its name

Dom*Colucci © 2019

Saturday, September 21, 2019

You cannot grasp on an awakened truth*

You cannot grasp on an awakened truth*

Have you noticed what is in the surround?
Many objects of illusions that just sit around
Well I am here to tell you about what I see
Those objects are all attachments, they are stuck but not free

So hence we do see this truth as to the enlightened see the dream
As to the ignorant ones that cling on to the fantasy so it seems
Grasping each moment and event that goes by
And looks for meaning within, with who, what or why

Really it is in plain sight but with our eyes we become blind
We are awakened but one side has taken over our mind 
Blinded as we are in content these attachments we caress
Attachments are dreaming in emptiness, when awaken there is only emptiness~ZEN*

Dom*Colucci © 2019

I see it NOW*

I see it NOW*

Oh what joy we bring when we are love
We come into this world with happiness from above
We find joy in moments to come
To seek a great feeling and feel life is fun

But something along the road yields its ugly face
We did not intend this to happen in our time with space
It is a situation that our elders had to disagree
Whatever happened to this life where we were happy

Seems like we have entered a nightmare filled with gloom
Every door to be shut in all our rooms
Who decided this with our minds that once were fresh
A continuous negative vibration that gives us no rest

It is only one side that is working our brain
Figuring out with judgment seems as searching came
But the right side of the brain has been left out
The left has taken over giving us a world of puzzles and doubt

So if we do not seek no longer and let the right side be
Then we have found that true happiness and the right to be free
As that is the side that wills both to work in psynch
Then thoughts and emotions we see clearly instead of think

Because you see with this notion and this is what is true
The past of what the one side did it was the other that always knew 
As it comes together like attraction is allowed
In becoming one, it does not seek no more for it is always now

Dom*Colucci © 2019

Saturday, September 14, 2019

With you within*

With you within*

Many a moment ago you did not exist here
But something brought you to have here so near
Many have a belief that  when they came they needed to succeed
But my question is to succeed if already what is here has no need

There might be a clue hidden in the deep
That when one comes it is fed to keep
That is the subconscious and its belief to its reality
Habitual in listening from infant to seven in what we be

So this is our clue in who we are
And we carry this with us from past so far
As if we do not change in what we like
This will always be constant day and night

Something that has seen us from many years ago
We were not of its form but manifested us in proof to show
So now that we are here with what made us from then
We must listen to its wisdom not without but from within

Dom*Colucci © 2019

"Compl"aint" seen nothing yet

"Compl"aint" seen nothing yet

Life goes on and complaints still exist
A law of attraction thing that one cannot resist
Pointless matters that one does not see the whole
Once one matter comes against that one then its on a roll

So we ask ourselves about what this leads to
As of course we are still blinded and nothing in view
It is our own self that make this arise all the time
It goes in circles inside of "minds"

By a reality that we began to put in ourselves awhile ago
Of course it came to an idea with irritation that shows
Complaining that a mountain too high and ocean to wet
Alleviating from this we can see a better life that is not here yet

Dom*Colucci © 2019

Where is this word "care"?

Where is this word "care"?

So much burden to always think
Every bit of awareness goes with each blink
When a situation comes and it stays within
That situation is stuck, again and again
Solution that is nil and nowhere to be found
That "thought" that is still stuck keeps rolling around
So the remedy for this that one should know
Is to seek peace in calming the mind and let go
For something that was temporary and not even there
In letting go one dissolves when one no longer cares

Dom*Colucci © 2019

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...