Saturday, October 26, 2019

Naturally, life starts with the heart*

Naturally, life starts with the heart*

The moment is here as all within is alive
Effortlessly growing heart as this shall thrive
Early morning busting through the night
Bringing upon guidance from the daylight

Nature feels this glow and spreads its roots
Dew for its drink the beginning is the truth
All hears this music and a symphony is in rhyme
Flowers,  trees and clouds above, moving all in time

Rhapsody bellowing outward, nature is being nourished
Fulfillment that is within this essence, all begin to flourish
Beauty from details, the divine with wondrous strokes
All not seen in the surround, buds start to poke

Happiness is life to be no where but here
For it knows of a joyous heart, close with cheer
This to be nature as life is with heart
Eternally great feelings, no endings but always a new start

Dom*Colucci © 2019

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Find what you are looking for in seeing*

Find what you are looking for in seeing*

I use to be like everyone else out there
Wandering about and not aware
Seeking and striving a struggle one believes
Only to find out this only deceives

You reach a point where you cannot look
From this wandering it is externally that this it took
You instead follow a brain with eyes
And group up with many to seek in their lies

But you know this is not the way as it it is there own
So you start to detach and move within all alone
They were the "idea" within a matrix that they do not see
You maneuvered yourself to break from that suffering and be free

Every day to them is a constant grudge
They wake up with eyes closed without a nudge
Hence their balance is way off from where they are
It seems like distances between happiness are so far

If they have lost their "idea" and give them a clear "thought"
They would know that within their life is effortless without being sought
So this is what I have been looking for all the time
It was not what I was looking but it was seeing myself in this find

Dom*Colucci © 2019

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Succession of happiness within the heart*

Succession of happiness within the heart*

Are you successful right where you are?
Does burdens and no truths set you so far?
What is the essence that one can use to succeed?
That desire one wishes for in their need

Well if you have been brought up on the gravy train
It is a feeling always of great intentions is its name
To not have the negative surface which is always been doubt
The elimination of such feelings that one lives without

It is a constant vision that one continuously sees
The more this comes in succession that one is happy
Yes you can see what I mean when I say this
When the arrow is flung forward the less it resists

Nothing stops that feeling inspiration brings forth
The wondrous joy within you to feel its self worth
So now you know of its pull and vortex it brings
Laws of attraction in positivism succession that makes the heart always sings

Dom*Colucci © 2019

Middle of nowhere, now here

Middle of nowhere, now here

Sitting in a lotus position
Drifting away from reality in this transition
Mind becomes calm, stillness in one
All that is in the surround is settled and done

A reach within that I can keep
Delving into who this being is so very deep
Texture within is the same without
Mind silences, there is no judgment, chaos or doubt

The connection to the Universe is aligned
Much that there is no body senses or even the mind
Now this is the frequency that has a clear tune
This space within,  balanced like the moon

Dom*Colucci © 2019

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...