Saturday, November 23, 2019

Drowning in a tear*

Drowning in a tear*

Rough is the crust as we call terra ferma earth
Rock in the middle of nowhere since the dawn of birth
A gathering and mixture of things to find root
Once their feet have been planted they begin their own truth

Passing is many days and also nights too
Breaking away from the shell the seed knows what to do
It is its wisdom that has been sought in what was kept within
And knows of its life in where it begins

But earth may have its moisture and becomes parched and dry
It then has to wait for the clouds with emotion, break down and cry
And when that happens the soil has a happy ground
But it is the river's punishment, for when it rains the river drowns

Dom*Colucci © 2019

Flight is light*

Flight is light*

Flight of the nomads in the sky
Lightly with moisture, not a dose to cry
A journey that pulls you one way ahead
You take that route not lower but higher instead

Drifting you are in a conscious state so free
Using an intuitive state that you can see
You come across a mountain as its breaths you in
You exit slowly to cross another once again

Your touch is freely and your purity is divine
You are a Soul* that watches over one so fine
So now you have been created with this freedom so light
It is time to move onward with other clouds in flight

Dom*Colucci © 2019

Heaven takes a trip but is always here*

Heaven takes a trip but is always here*

A journey has been taken around the world
It was the sun coming up for a new day to unfurl
Nature has awaken and flowers come alive
This is the feeling one wishes to be in to take a dive

You can feel the love that nurtures all in the surround
The gift of gentleness from the sky to the ground
What is this, a few butterflies rest on some limbs in a row?
They seem to look as packaging on the limb with many bows

Sweet perfume from the flowers in the forest with trees
The spicy fragrance to a wondrous Universe that breathes
All around is heaven, deeply enjoyed for sure
For this is freedom in paradise as this of course,  is nature

Dom*Colucci © 2019

Saturday, November 2, 2019

You have to let it go*

You have to let it go*

Summit that overlooks all beyond the sky
When the clouds come heavy, they always cry
Pouring the elixir of life down from its peak
A stream begins as the river it seeks

Through twists and turns a journey flowing rapidly
On top of rocks, a hikers path and roots of a tree
A rhythm that has a heart beat filled with nature's song
A law from the Universe right where it belongs

When it reaches its destination at the base
If you look behind you will see its trace
But once the melody of rain has its end
There cannot be no more this time, to see water bend

So now the summit that enjoyed its shower
To push to the side in make a clear path with its power
Already knowing without knowing this shall come by once more 
A flow from the top knowing how to flow in open doors

Dom*Colucci © 2019

Go with the flow freely*

Go with the flow freely*

Flowing and cascading down on a fall river
Water crystal clear and cold enough to make you shiver
Through a direction with ups and downs
Guiding from the banks back to source in the surround
A joyous feel that seems to never end
Don't even care in where it began
Just the present that exists  so true
Knowing where this is always right here in view
Yes I did say it was fall and I fell from a tree
I am a leaf sailing along this river and so wondrously free

Dom*Colucci © 2019

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...