Sunday, May 31, 2020

Let it be, let it "wind"*

Let it be, let it "wind"*

Not noticeable but a substance makes it move
It comes out of nowhere and then finds a groove
It follows through as though it knows its path
And then when it speeds up more to become of a wrath
Tireless its momentum though it seems it has a mind
Destruction when it is quicker, obstacles like twigs in its find
When it is all over no matter what it left to see
It was the wind that came through without warning as its free

Dom*Colucci © 2020

Saturday, May 30, 2020

The me I cannot see*

The me I cannot see*

The biggest mystery we are in
Is how we came here to begin
It may have been a physical thought
In manifesting a being to be sought

But where did that thought come about
It was a truth all the long without doubt
A direction that seem to be pointing here
Like an arrow straight on target, nothing veered

When it happened if you really knew
Your life would be in better view
But it is difficult in doing so and cannot see 
But if you knew you could see who made this "me"

Dom*Colucci  © 2020

Look what sees*

Look what sees*

Murky is the life one to choose
One that has given this life without any clues
But is it that one that does not wish to change
To live in complacency and be the same

Hard then as one does not grow
Because that is the only thing  that one knows
For eons that walked by and no one seen
Because their eyes were clouded in a fuzzy dream

As it is not a truth into dig what is externally void
But yet millions upon the population get easily annoyed
For it is compounded that running in circles to be
Yet those that keep looking hence they will never see

Dom*Colucci © 2020

Clear in being here*

Clear in being here*

In an essence of clarity to be
But when a thought arises one cannot see
Why is there static in where one has "mind"?
What do we look for of a world we cannot find?

So much has happened since the dawn began
We have left the center of who we are and stand
So from that the balance seems like it is gone
And it leads us to others but hence we are alone

But if we do find what holds us together
We have broken that attachment that keeps us tethered
That place is with us always and we must enter
For the laws of the Universe there keep us centered

Dom*Colucci © 2020

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...