Saturday, November 20, 2021

Negativity welcomes misery*

Negativity welcomes misery*

 Bitter to the taste

Enduring the disgrace

Displeasure to disgust

The mind perpetual, never to rust

Blockage in thoughts, no release

Only of more temptation easy to tease

Highly the arm can give the cup no raise

Still mesmerized by and still easily plagued

Hence the fog is still in the chatter

Back and forth is the sport, does it matter?

Low becomes the form and adheres to exist

When there are no doorways only walls, only more to resist

Despondent cannot seek the sighting to the end

Looks like I go back deeply unconscious, to do it again

This is grief from its loneliness it always bear

The ego pushes the mind around without even a care

Drunken in ignorance implosion to collapse

Could there be another way, I may see it perhaps

But the force is still there and cannot walk away

I guess misery loves its company and it is here to stay

Dom*Colucci © 2021

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Central is the beginning within*

Central is the beginning within* 

Once upon a time there was nothing here

But a Divine idea came along so perfectly clear

Mathematics involved a geometric scheme

Perfection in an image was to be seen

Hence an atom that attracted another from the cells within

Building blocks established on where to begin

Gravity was so lightly administered from kingdom to foundation

As Divinity looked on in wonder a fine creation

It was the image it sought for identical in form

Made from love in its heart humble and warm

As it put this image of harmony and peace in the middle if everything

And was never to leave this in happiness and to make its heart sing

Dom*Colucci © 2021

Clearly, do you see?*

Clearly, do you see?*

Nothingness, the texture clearly seen

A giant hole in infinity spacious in between

A huge mark of liberation also so free

There is no dispute from this, we all agree

The effortless substance no to go through

Point A to point B, obviously seen here in view

No one can understand this as it cannot be taught

Just now take a look at yourself, what is to be sought?

So it is of human nature that objects we attract

The frequency and molecules are directed there, it's a fact

But to those whom breakaway from this dilemma inside

It is no longer an attachment, but instead wisdom they abide

Dom*Colucci © 2021

Home, at last*

Home, at last* 

What can be the solution of society and the cure?

There are billions of people here none of us pure

What started all this to make the world the problem mind?

Many have searched here and there and none of them to find

Then what can this be the woes that we live in

To wake up once more and see this again

Ahhhhhh!!! the nugget is in here tucked away

To only a few can see the solution and find the way

Those that know of this have let go and gone beyond

Broken free from the external and lost the surround

You have now found home where you were always meant to be

Clearly now enlightened and also the truth you now see

Dom*Colucci © 2021  

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...