Saturday, March 12, 2022

Still, fill it up?*

Still, fill it up?*

What is so pure, whiter than milk?

Smooth is its texture like woven silk

Still without movement to the naked eye

Clouds without effort move in the sky

A peaceful feeling, harmonious all around

Silence the twin of stillness, there is no sound

No root has attached, nothing to cling

A purest form of freedom, this it brings

Have you ever felt that you have no being

But only the eyes inside of you that are seeing

Hence then if this is the case then you have become still

You have now added nothingness to emptiness to fill

Dom*Colucci © 2022

Frozen DNA is building*

Frozen DNA is building*

Fresh and still, clean and bold

Frozen droplets arriving in the cold

The clouds look billowing as they sweep

The sky is in a pillow looks like it sleeps

The music begins from a silent tune

Building up mounds, deeper it is soon

But take a gander in its moving veil

Little stars drift all over with many a tail

See what I see? is that for real?

Imaginary I say, in a swirl that I feel

Yes as it drops and goes to and fro in a sway

Does that look like a genetic code of DNA?

Dom*Colucci © 2022

What look do I see*

What look do I see*

Set yourself down and come to rest

Do some deep breathings that are the best

Take peace in settling the mind

Now start looking within in order to find

Now that your brain has hit a total blank

This is the point of emptiness to thank

As to go a little more in feeling nothing within

It is now that point where a void of texture begins

This experience is to prove of your SOUL*

That place of merging in completeness and whole

Now feel of this as you will be

No longer to search in looking only to see

Dom*Colucci © 2022

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...