Sunday, January 29, 2017

Love deeper than the night*

Love deeper than the night*

Evening rendezvous 
Love that was made for two
Depths with Soul*s that come together
A bond of unity in hearts forever
Romantic as this can possibly be
Let us go further to watch and see
Flavor in strong evening passion, dark coffee black
It is expresso love that both hearts attract

Dom*Colucci © 2017

Twisting by the pool*

Twisting by the pool*

Hot hazy summer days
Sun melting everything through its haze
Exhausting time to make you sweat
I need shade but seen none yet
Oh but an oasis is near
The wind blows a breeze from water so clear
Yes how one has surrendered to unbearable heat
And look upon a wonderful treat
Indeed, a happy Soul* knows how to stay cool
As it is near all others twisting by the pool

Dom*Colucci © 2017

Lost outside looking in*

Lost outside looking in*

Lost becomes in the middle of this world
Bound by burdens not to unfurl
Trapped deep within an unknown place
Walls closing in this confined space
Nothing more that this one can do
No hope in sight, not in view
So I come up with this in distress
Off goes my message, in an S.O.S.

Dom*Colucci © 2017

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Time and time again*

Time and time again*

A trip once more around the block
How the hands revolve around the clock
Each moment closer to make its gain
Like making a destination riding on a train
A step in front of another, yes are we there yet?
No, just a little more and we will be set
Do not anticipate this ever and let it be 
Remember that time waits for no one and it won't wait for me

Dom*Colucci © 2017

All the glitter is not to hold*

All the glitter is not to hold*

Twinkle, twinkle little star
I sit here and gaze to be so afar
Up above the sky, to be here tonight
Into the darkness a fainted light
Millions of years have come and past
To ever reach you I know it will not last
The further I become from you not to see again
Into the next realm to once more begin

Dom*Colucci © 2017

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Home is where the heart is*

Home is where the heart is*

Sweet and sugar coated~frost to bite
A blank canvas that is covered one sees in the light
Cold as can be~shivering to the bone
But we bundle up within and say~"there is no place like home"*

Dom*Colucci © 2017

Long way over soon*

Long way over soon*

Desolate is the winter as it sees despair
Frosty covered depression, solid is the air
But soon this will be washed away to see life once again
And the misery of discontent goes away and spring to begin*

Dom*Colucci © 2017

Return back home*

Return back home*

Come take me away for I carry this heavy load
To walk many a miles on this journey, a single road
I can only move forward as this leads me on to go
For something is pulling me out of burden as this is what it knows
So now that I may feel a bit miserable and a stain in my heart
I know that something deep within loves me and not to come apart
Lead me on to this way as I know that you do
I am coming home real soon, coming to see you*

Dom*Colucci © 2017

Long lasting love*

Long lasting love*

Spring time and roses, lollipops so sweet
Deep within your eyes, it is your heart that I meet
Your aura gives such beauty a glow that one cannot steal
The Soul* shows your heart~this love that I feel
I am so inside your heart, passion comes my way
And to be of unity we both are
As love is here to stay*

Dom*Colucci © 2017

Soul* in love*

Soul* in love*

My words they speak volumes as they come from inside
I have found the true nature I belong to for that is an easy ride
Come listen with me as the Soul* does speak
And see what it has deep within, come let us take a peek
Feel the joy and bliss as gratitude you shall give
The more open that you are in this feeling with love, the more that you will live*

Dom*Colucci © 2017

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Presence sees home*

Presence sees home*

There comes a time when all is done
A point directing back, now as one
Nothing to look forward to or to be sought
Blank canvas reality, "mind" to be naught

Opening up the surface, the deeper it becomes clear
Knowing that this feeling is already here
Like how a drop of water enters a pond to dissolve
Merging of all that was within, a higher consciousness to evolve

No longer are events that always persist
That part has gone now nothing there exists
Slipping further away, no longer that you will be
Refuge within is your home, and origin that you now see

Dom*Colucci © 2016

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...