Saturday, December 29, 2018

No longer needed*

No longer needed*

There was a time so long ago
A talent was hidden I did not know
Writing it was as it came to form
Words of wisdom to the Soul* so warm

As I moved along words became more clear
Transparency my aim, I felt it so near
Quotes from inside so deep
Sowing seeds within, a harvest to reap

So I ventured outward in social media to be on
This platform to my authorship has begun
Writing was getting easier and fluidity did the trick
Rhythm I was hearing,  love of this began to stick

So I went to a site intent was its name
My life was moving postively, nothing the same
I stayed on that platform, a few years went by
But another platform came and I needed to try

It all began with an invitation in August 2009
I started right away and knew this would be fine
I posted a few lines then a poem or two
This was my platform to be as I tried something new

A few years went by and people liked what I did
My words revealed my truth and nothing was hid
I was getting better and three blogs I did create
The best talent was my poetry skill, this was my fate

I did run into some people that did resist
I had to block them and now no longer exist
The more I was into this platform, the more it seemed no gain
For some reason or another, energy was starting to drain

I was doing my best to keep up and stay afloat
I was no longer calm, as this place rocked the boat
This was suppose to be fun and write what was on your mind
But creepy stuff began to happen, this I was to find

I pressed on but awhile I said "a little more"
I knew this was coming to expire, what am I here for?
This place I grew fond of over the years
Was no longer an inspiration, why am I here?

Yes, I finally convinced myself I will take this back on the road
And move my literature to another home, another abode
So it was nice to hear from all with comments and likes
And to show everyone my words of wisdom and photos from my hikes

It seems this platform no longer I can trust
Bombardment of same old same, political agenda made it bust
Now I will find somewhere else to finally be
Another place to write that makes me happy

I now know in letting go and to detach
This platform fading away, no longer my catch
I have learned a lot from being here all the time
I got it out of my system, this attachment in my mind

To all the ones that I have to let go
Maybe another time and a different show
It was fun everyday to be here to post once again
But now I say goodbye to Facebook and all my friends

Dom*Colucci © 2018


  1. Greetings. I hope you find leaving Facebook an enlightenment. Blessings. Love love, Andrew.

    1. ~thank you Andrew~yes I have detached as I await for word from them in getting all my inspirational posts I did over the 10 years I was there (download data)~there was really nothing there at all no more~I had somewhat of an awakening once again in detachment~blessings with love always~


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