Sunday, March 31, 2019

"Two" you are "one"*

"Two" you are "one"*

Inside that cannot be seen to the eye
There are no questions of what, who or why
It just knows without ever knowing
And uses trust in everywhere it's going

Yes it truly is a belief that has been here before
It is centrally located and balance to its core
One's that seek of this it is seeking them the same
It only knows oneness in the light is its name

There can only be one "thought" in one direction
Pulled by only one source in its connection
It is only in one place in the present time
Ones that seek this, a plethora of wisdom is its find

This stands out of one always and no more
Day one made it the same texture that you wore
So end this journey and this is the will and it is done
Expiring all duality and from this it is "one"

Dom*Colucci © 2019



Coming about from eons ago
What has been seen this it knows
Hence an object to be and merge with
A truth beyond belief and not a myth

Substance that is to be formed within
Each cell from the heart creates again and again
Now a consciousness that has taking form
Into the Universe a being is born

It is youth where time has start
From the day of conception  became of this heart
Now this one must go through life and be taught
Its teaching of others, difficulty will be sought

Learning from others a following is the trend
From this following, suffering begins without an end
One must seek what has always known
Ignorant eyes do not see what is shown

It is your inner guide that brought you here
This inner guide walks you away from worry and fear
It was that to which externally was wrong
And what always knew of you where you belong

When one knows of this wisdom, then they will be free
The external life disappears and that one now sees
It was always this inner guide that your life it knew
As you came into this life to be not them but only be you

Dom*Colucci ©  2019

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

"As of above, so is below"

"As of above, so is below"

Once I know of, is all that life truly is
One may find out whether misery or bliss
To those a struggle may lose their wits
And tear their inner being shredded to bits
But for those that know of their life happiness is here
Every single moment they step into becomes crystal clear

Yes this comes from a subconscious "mind"
As I turn it around noted a blessed find
So now that struggle that use to be
Gave a challenge through life made it here to see
Knowing of a power called the laws of attraction
This opened up my awareness now in total satisfaction

For I learned a secret from the movie with that name
I was low in my life but glad that this reality came
The movie was just an essence, a secondary tool
But through Hermes Trismigetitus, 
The Emerald Tablet was my primary school

And this is written, "As of above, so is below"
In seeing a similarity here to which I now know
It is the subconscious "mind" that dictates one's belief
To either make ones life hell or a comforting relief
For their are only two laws of importance in one's life
Gravity is one, LOA the other with or without strife

It is never too late to turn your reality around
Just keep on a positive side and witness a better surround
Because this is what one has truly come here for
To make life without obstacle and have all open doors
Remember where your life dictates from, a must to know
It will always be of this, "as of above, so is below"

Dom*Colucci © 2019

Sunday, March 3, 2019

You are meant to be within*

You are meant to be within*

Have you ever heard yourself complaining?
Each time you do, it is sustaining
Grumbling about how life is to be
When in reality this is what you always see

From this is your focus
No there is no magic of hocus pocus
It is the Universe giving what your moaning
It continues its KARMIC cycles in your groaning

"Mind" set must change if you wish to see something else
In this shift please look within at true self
For there lies your home and to lead back on that path
Once you are in tune with what is here there can be no wrath

In returning back in what that knows of you
And has been here since day one to guide you in view
This is where a welcome has always been in place
And wills you to return back within this space

Dom*Colucci © 2019

Universal law to receive from*

Universal law to receive from*

Understanding you is within
Can only mean where in life to begin
When one does it is only then
The reality one wishes for is again and again

For what was told to you, you learned
From a negative point of view you returned
As you grew up listening to parents, friends and peers
You did not know what to "think" for yourself being clear

So you went on your life with effort everyday
And it was from this your belief was this is the way
But from what I learned that is not true
For those things where wrong in everything you do

You just did not know how to affirm how great you are
And if the old way was working it took you this far
But now the shift that you see the other way has now forming
When this law is applied positively it comes with no warning

It was your subconscious you made it to believe
What you were asking for is what you received
Now that you know how to use this law without distraction
This is the second law of the Universe, the laws of attraction

Dom*Colucci © 2019


  Golden dragon aflame Clouds to hide River is running away* Dom*Colucci © 2014