You are meant to be within*
Have you ever heard yourself complaining?
Each time you do, it is sustaining
Grumbling about how life is to be
When in reality this is what you always see
From this is your focus
No there is no magic of hocus pocus
It is the Universe giving what your moaning
It continues its KARMIC cycles in your groaning
"Mind" set must change if you wish to see something else
In this shift please look within at true self
For there lies your home and to lead back on that path
Once you are in tune with what is here there can be no wrath
In returning back in what that knows of you
And has been here since day one to guide you in view
This is where a welcome has always been in place
And wills you to return back within this space
Dom*Colucci © 2019
~image from google image~