Saturday, July 27, 2019

We reincarnate in all we always do*

We reincarnate in all we always do*

We are really already saved
But in our passing, destiny is the grave
We put ourselves out in a variable world
And try to make something of sense to unfurl

But that is not who we are but continue to do so
Making ourselves last but within not to know
We have this belief that sort of like guilt
To somehow make it all right, a purpose to be built

But in an awakened essence there is nothing to no longer stand for
We have found our true being through an open conscious door
No event to be proud of or stand out in the crowd
Only a certain stillness and peace in which within has allowed

So you may believe you have a purpose to save all with a cause
But something inside you walked with you instead 
As that cause never was
Many are lost with notions that make ignorance turn to that
Has anyone ever won with their cause?, I say no that this is a fact
Because if they did all would stop and be direct back at them
If that then is the case then you not the world do not have to do this ever again

Dom*Colucci © 2019

A dwelling for within*

A dwelling for within*

Home, I have seen it as it is not a dwelling
It is a state of being with a river of wisdom swelling
It knows without knowing of its purpose right here
Truth in transparency, hence it is crystal clear

Purely there cannot be an attachment seen
Every step it takes it is all in the freeing
No journey has been taken, not even one step
No disdain of heart a burden, no tears have been wept

No story that has been written or ever been told
But only what change is within that always unfolds
So what are you ever looking for as this knows what you do
Don't you see its eyes looking back at you?

Dom*Colucci © 2019 

Truth sticks, fallacies get stuck

Truth sticks, fallacies get stuck

Many obstacles and many barriers
A cling towards gravity as this is the carrier
Somehow all things that are in its chosen place
Are only a detailed illusion in all of space

Thus there is tho and energy field
That not only emits force but somehow it steals
Cyclic endeavor to alternate and go round
Repelling and attracting in the surround

A continuance jumping from one spot to the next
Correction in electrical fields as it makes it fix
It has not gone any where since the beginning of years 
Recreating and substantiating itself right here

In one giant globe of glued atom flux
Only the light of truth can pull them from being stuck
But that takes a deeper seeing and one may never know
Never is there search, it is the enlightened that the truth shall show

Dom*Colucci © 2019

One with another*

  One with another* See how the sun plays on the mountain side The moon that does move the water into the tide All in this world influences ...