Sunday, January 26, 2020

See inside not out*

See inside not out*

Why is it that we always see the worst happen as to most it does?
To the awakened one that is before, seems it was
The awakened one can only see what is in to be awake
Receiving in the light, no trouble to take

There is no events to follow or even people too
Centrally located in the intuitive state to be, have and do
Sad most of the total population still follows what was conditioned
As it is those that live life a lie no truth only fiction

Someone else that lives a reality that all seem to tag along
Yes it those condition like sheeple right where they belong 
They may tell you that they are none of that but this
But you can spot it in them, it is the illusion they still exist

How do I know that this truth is said?
Because they agree with you not to be silent instead
So it is them that have been conditioned and always seek
It is in the ignorance and will power that makes them very weak

With the essence of what was just written
It is the awakened one that sees all of life within
That is where it never ends and never starts
Happiness is internal without fear and the external world is apart

Dom*Colucci © 2020

Where does the darkness hide?*

Where does the darkness hide?*

Subtle illuminating in the eastern sky
Driving by relativity as it passes by
Now is what is actually presently here
Feel its power so crystal clear

This is how one negates the future and past
For those are things a mind creates that does not last
This is movement in a non movement space
Everything that is now does not attach to trace

Openness in its freedom to take in stride
No narrowed feeling but expanding very wide 
It may seem that this one time had a beginning and end
But now the illumination hides in the dark to do it again

Dom*Colucci © 2020

Freedom is centered*

Freedom is centered*

A spot of sunlight, arisen on a stone
In the middle of a babbling brook all alone
As time gathers then releases on its way
It is only here that is and time does not stay

Taking into this pacifying mind
Nothing to ever seek and nothing to ever find
Each wave becomes a soothing thought
Calm to a rhythm that has now brought

Illusive that it is and chaos does not keep
Richness in my meditation here as I go in so deep
I have fit in a deeper in than it can be
Alas I feel as I am not here, hence then I am free 

Dom*Colucci © 2020

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Man is a picture and not his life*

Man is a picture and not his life*

Do you know who you are with your name?
Did you know who you were before you came?
Can you see your true self that is within?
Is it an entity that knew your past life before you began?

Or do you walk into this in default, hoping all will be fine
And if not that all will be fine in due time
Guess you really do not know do you?
Or know of your purpose to satisfy or do

So if not then, it is what is external that really is your truth
A living illusion that cannot be a foundational root
An experience that can only depend on the crowd
And acceptance with ego to others that is allowed

And if not then an agenda to fit in would be awfully hard
But to wait for the wind alone to blow into a house of cards 
This portrayal of life is not really intended for any man
But sad it is his ignorance that brings him down in which he always stands

Dom*Colucci © 2020

Attitude of gratitude*

Attitude of gratitude*

How did you wake up today?~
Did you give gratitude to be on your way?
Or did you carry yesterday's anguish to be?
Either one you are this is what you see

There is a force that surrounds us all
It allows to stand up or take a fall
Going through the day the present is the start
Look deeply into it either it is good or falling apart

To ones that it's good they move about
To the ones with negativity it begins with doubt
How does one get this way and stay  to this?
It is what you are paying attention to make it exist

And a lot has to do with your breathing, it is not in psynch
It is in your belief in what you "think"
Clarity always wins in achieving the goal all the time
It puts things in perspective in making it rhyme

So remember the next time you go to sleep at night
And awaken in the morning when the sun brings the light
It is all what you focus upon but great intentions indeed
This will bring fulfillment in your life, this is what you always need

Dom*Colucci © 2020

Friday, January 24, 2020

Snow has lost its purity*

Snow has lost its purity*

Winter in January comes very cold
The winds bring the snow, its strength is bold
Swirling and twirling from a blinding sky
Frozen tears from above that continue to cry

Every snow flake that hits the ground
Adding more and more on top pushing each one down
It builds up to heights that no one can move through
To be stuck in one spot no place to go to

Yet warmer days come into presence
This allows what is on the ground into fluid essence
Then it hits a point that it cannot go no more
Decrements from before now have no score

As the days move on, the cold air comes back
Crunchy little stumps on the roads and railroad tracks
Once was so pure white, baptizing and covering so much
Now that was moments ago so long out of touch

So we see sooty looking white bumps, disgusting to say
If gray is not in the sky, the ground has it all day
Until warmer moments come once again
This will hang around in the cold which seems like it has no end

Dom*Colucci © 2020

Monday, January 20, 2020

You"ll get here, that is you*

You"ll get here, that is you*

To many life is a riddle, confusion this way
A news article chapter that is filled with melee
Walking down avenues that get one lost
Feeling like a rolling stone gathering no moss

So you stop a moment and see a cheshire cat
You believe you have found an answer and that is that
But you become more confused and you say it does not matter
Then why did you stop still in your mind chatter

But the world still spins around and still the puzzle is here
Deeper you go in your path nothing seems to be clear
What you are doing is trying to put together with external pieces
In the process of doing so, it still falls apart and nothing ceases

Enduring restless mindful suffering clawing to the bitter end
But the bitter end does not end, it only begins again
You stop for a moment and you take a pause
You now realize what you are looking for is somehow a cause

But when you arrived into this world there was none of that around
It was when you were very young is when you lost it no longer to be found
Wait a second  and "think" that this was never to do
You need not search no more for it is within that is you

Dom*Colucci © 2020

Time to wake up*

Time to wake up*

Darkness and shadows that linger over
Subtleness that is in misery that covers
World filled with suffering , agenda and views
Many looking everywhere and do not know what to do

Somehow all that have "hope" in wish peace to receive
But to those with another agenda this can never be achieved
Just when you "think" that all will be well
Instead something arises and another story to tell

Being pushed into a corner with no way out
More this is focused the more this has doubt
So deep within myself I have found another way
I walked away from all that and just awakened one day

Dom*Colucci © 2020

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Can't wait to meet who you are?

Can't wait to meet who you are?

Clouds that appear on a Sunday morning
Awakened with depths without any warning
Light to appear as a glimpse in the sky
Crack of dawn this is but soon to pass by 

The music of the Universe so silent to the ear
But so rich, smooth like silk, pure and crystal clear
Masters of wisdom say when yourself is in tune
You can feel the vibration of the heart, the sun and the moon

This is balance and harmony as all is in rhythm
See from beyond and breathe the Universe from within
You note that you are relative in point of direction
A higher consciousness has made you with this connection

Something that was hidden like the clouds from early in the day
Has now been revealed from its openness, now the way
Did you see what I just wrote as all came back to be complete?
Truth is always done and that truth is you to come back and meet

Dom*Colucci © 2020

Presently not there but here*

Presently not there but here*

Do you know what is around the bend?
Could it be a path to begin or end?
That bend does not know who you are and does not see
Does not know of your future in front of you in who you can be

There can only be one thing that your life shows you
And it knows all of everything in what you are to do
It is a place we tend to forget
That part of life that sees that we do not know yet

Yes it does know of you in every step you take
Already knowing the outcome in what you make
Did you guess what this is in this place?
It is the you that knows you as it is the present in every space

Dom*Colucci © 2020

Are you dreaming in your awakened life*

Are you dreaming in your awakened life*

Did you dream last night ?
Is it still clear in your sight?
Was it good and how did it feel?
You were there in the middle of it could it be real?

The unconsciousness works many things to reveal
It takes what one has seen that once was concealed
It drops by during the day that one that has not seen
Lingers until the mind is at rest to manifest in a dream

It depends on how much one recognizes in what they do
That will be placed in their mind's eye in view
So if you can remember what you seen the night before
This is the key to your life in many open doors

Dom*Colucci © 2020

Saturday, January 11, 2020

What are "you" afraid of?`"You?"

What are "you" afraid of?`"You?"

The things in passing by, I hear
Everybody that is on edge and not clear
There is a constant fear in what people view
Of course it is Maya, the illusion coming from the news

I do not participate in such events
It is the SOUL* that is here, that knows where it is meant
So to me everyone that is external seems to be lost
They believe a struggle to attain peace is always at a cost

But to the awakened one who knows what they see
The external world of Maya was not a place to be
It is so sad that everyone does not know who they are
This came from a time man walked away from himself from afar

So his object that is external as this is the layers of ignorance
His guilt runs deep and suffers with his only witness
The witness is himself that he is a wall of bricks
So he keeps searching "out" there but his misery becomes thick

One simple move that he will find himself his space
To leave all those with identity, recognition, events from this place
His eyes must turn around to the wise this one knows
Non duality or ZEN* advaita within as the one is very close

So all that seek a salvation from another and its people
A SOUL* is not history,tradition, culture, religion or sheeple
The SOUL* came into this world not to be ignorant with an ego
The SOUL* does not prove nothing but effortless life and a heart to grow

So "human"ity will still look in trying to solve all the answers outside
But in doing so he is in the long haul for a very painful ride
Yes as I see and continue to hear people say
"What a life we are living and sadness on the news today"

But that is not what you came for to see tragedy that is not you
Before you came here it was to see this you that's who
But to really understand who you are remember there are layers still of the veil
And they all sit covering more of itself in the makings of a mental jail

It is hard to break free from this mindfulness of suffering that you see in your eyes
No matter how much you force yourself from being away, you still hurt and cry
So your focus can only be your weakness in guilt
And all in your clarity comes up darkness and wilts

As I said before and to turn around to see is seeing, that is you
You must focus more on your internal being in what you should do
And to be back in rhythm and be calm with harmony and peace
Also have the breath of life from heart in its rhythm to breathe

Dom*Colucci 2020

Do you know who you are?~Maybe not*

Do you know who you are?~Maybe not*

~I have had 2 spiritual awakenings~and the first one was of trust as I seem to have crossed another line of consciousness when it happened~a little while after that I had another as I remained silent throughout that essence or feeling~something spoke to me inside and it told me this is ZEN*~all in my life became balanced and worked out perfectly~when this happened as at the time I did not know what ZEN* was, I was at work with this balance and all of the sudden something was rising inside me~as it was rising it reached the brain lobes and the center when all of the sudden I freaked out and aborted what was coming~I did not know what ZEN* was and a Kundalini so the next three days in silence was a living hell and it seemed I went back to the ignorant self once again~

~so after 22 years from 21 January 1985 I was handed the movie The Secret as who handed it to me I seen this person moving to another state and did not know he received two interviews after that moment I told him~btw this happened on 14 February 2007 during the worst blizzard we had in up in upstate New York and my world felt really going downhill~after that movie I began to learn a lot about my life and where it was going~as what you pay attention to is what you are getting and then I got it~

~so after that I started meditating and started hearing poetry `from my SOUL*~in stillness and balance I started climbing mountains and writing ~I wrote three books on poetry about ZEN* (1) and romance (2) and also wrote short stories as well~during this time I noticed numbers in my life such as 33 which is significance to my daughter's birth and the age I was on that day she came to us, the house we live in, the placement in where my wife lived which was a block away when I was growing up and the suffering attained from that address which is the same number I just mentioned~another number prominent in my life which is 777 which is my father's , mother's and my number of letters in our names~in which I continually see them or 77, also 111 which is in my birthday and in conjunction to it 1:11 and 11:11~noticing not only those numbers but also 333, 444, 555, 777~to date more now than ever I keep seeing this~

~I went to a psychic a few years back and she not only solves crimes in NY state but does reiki and other things as  well~in which gives her a creditable dossier as she seen that I had made it through 2 doors of a consciousness in my life and a third was going to open for me~a few years later I went and seen her again and she said I was on the 4th step after I just left the 3rd one~on a 5 step ascension to the highest consciousness and when this opens for me the world that is around me does not change but what is within does and I believe that I have finally found the true self that has now entered within and not of the world~as of lately I have been receiving info on what is Source and the woes of the world that do not see their own and having dependency on others as everyone does~dependency is thumbing your nose to the God that lives within you as it violates the 1st Commandment which is thou shalt have another God before me (I am not religious because the SOUL* within me comes from a realm that is of a higher consciousness and there are no labels there because that is identity, to me the SOUL* is not religious as it has no identity from Divinity) which is yourself as we all come from the same Source as to see this in another light we see an apple tree as we are the apples and receive the same information from the same Source which is the tree itself~you do not see the one apple ask the other in jealousy or hate in why that one is red and that one is still green and you do not see that the one apple becomes dependent to the other but instead the info comes from the Source~this was known of Abraham Hicks and how Esther Hicks talks  about this in her books and youtube videos~

~the woes equally stem from not knowing the origin of who are SOUL* is in not knowing who we are~I truly believe as I have been through so many trials with the ego that I know that my path goes back to what the psychic told me about opening that door that I have finally arrived home~as many if more than 99.8% do not really know of this that lives inside of themselves and they have so many kalpas or many  reincarnations to come back to to finally get "their" life in  balance with the higher consciousness~as it is the layers of ego that will not let them pierce the veil in still be of the world and not in it~

~these numbers are the like and in the Laws of Attraction when see this as a continuous pattern on the path to be going home within as in the positive realm it is like attracts like as well as the negative which loses its frequency and power and expires before its maturity ever becomes of itself~as in the Divine all is worked out in Sacred Geometry which is balance, Fibonacci which is the start of abundance to balance and how balance itself shows the origin  where you come from in the first~in Kundalini, The Tree of Life or Kabbala or the 10 Commandments or even your physical body to the brain all is in symmetry and balance as this is all within in the workings and essence of the SOUL* which comes central and not external which external is ego~mathematics is the tool of Divine presence and it works effortlessly in which we seem to go in the opposite direction~

~so to me our purpose here in this plane is find the origin of ourselves and to be of balance to receive direct communication of wisdom that we already have inherently~once we do find this we have lost what use to be of the world without event, identity or ego we still live with and become the present within centrally~as in ZEN* the 4 Chinese characters are~suffer~joy~love~forget~once all have been satisfied then the forget essence becomes "born" again as then you are clear and fresh and present and there is no more memory as all is now clear from the Akashic records as you are no longer its identity and KARMA ceases to exist~



  Golden dragon aflame Clouds to hide River is running away* Dom*Colucci © 2014