Sunday, March 29, 2020

"No" one is here now*

"No" one is here now*

A dot of consciousness appears
How in the world did it ever get here?
From who's "thought" did it arrive?
Is this the seed to begin to thrive?

But a deeper look into knowing this
From something a blind eye did not know it exists
With one's lack of knowing in how we got to be
That one attached to the external to look and not see

So one's energy was always in that direction the illusion has
Wasting towards a future and leaning more of a past
This is how duality plays over and over again
Not knowing what ever began and surely not no end

Dom*Colucci © 2020

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Here stands for itself*

Here stands for itself*

The wheel is a devastating truth
It came out of nowhere without forming a root
It was suppose to be all by itself left alone
And to the one without touching that to be at home

But that wasn't to be and also not so
The being got agitated going to and fro
This was seen in the illusion some sort of mind
Now that being was detached from peace in a new find

But what did it accomplish a new image to look
Yes this find was now of suffering that became hooked
So it set itself outward of a world to prove this was
Without believing in consequences from conditions to cause

Now a new cross was to bear as it did not listen within
And living in the silence and stillness again and again
Instead it seems its new friend was to be misery and not free
This new being is also a coward with fear and ego as it is an identity

So where did identity come from all along
In a spiritual realm it never belonged
Its beauty is really nothing, truthful and pure
And its life is eternity being here always and that's for sure

Dom*Colucci © 2020

Monday, March 9, 2020

Sit still and it will move*

Sit still and it will move*

Dark, not dusk is an open sky
No rainbow but jewels in the background lie
Feel the silence as it grows real deep
Almost like the texture that eternity keeps

A bit of moisture, evening dew
Those little droplets but only a few
From this silence hear the grass roots move
Downward this goes as tho it found a groove

Early hours from the removal of light
You can see the shadowed blanket entering the night
I come across a mirror so close
Reflecting disk seen I suppose

But it is what I called and know this to be
A fixture of balance that I begin to see
It is like Merlin the wizard had his magical wand
And took the moon from the sky and placed it in the pond

Dom*Colucci 2020

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Shepherds are wolves in sheepskin*

Shepherds are wolves in sheepskin*

Quagmire, pulling, stuck and struggle
Hurt with propensity only to bring a muddle
Ignorance a nasty veil to cover
Masking not only one but also all over

Something that continues to follow the trends
No answer with this, will it ever end?
To me I do not see it coming in its externals
But that to which is from illusion to be eternal

People do not see who they are, they are fools
They are the ones learning in a logical school
Searching for answers,  a world to save
But the more they get involved the more the rage

To the awakened one the end departs from cause to condition
But those in unconscious contentment have no transitions
So they keep going into a downward spiral
The followers become disputers and this goes viral

So hence if one comes from the world with promises to keep
They are the ones that temptation a wolf looks for in its sheep
As no one really knows who they are and probably never will
Only when time truly ends and what is revealed is the SOUL* that is still

Dom*Colucci © 2020

Deep down is really upward going*

Deep down is really upward going*

What is that I say?
Be it true as it may
A force so incredible not to be seen
Pulling oneself down to the ground so green

But yet this force is a naked truth
That to that green it flows with root
Could it be that reaching for a place
Is really not outside but within interior space

Seems with wisdom is in the unknown
A simple essence that is all alone
And to the one that knows of this presence is only one
Before one enters this motion is done

But take another look for it is here
As of below is also upward veer 
Downward push I then ask why?
Do you see the tree limbs holding up the sky?

Dom*Colucci © 2020

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Look, it does not but sees in blue*

Look, it does not but sees in blue*

Distance has the picture of eternity
Lightly in blue a few in fluff serenity
Cannot see beyond the soft board 
But know that simple texture is an open door

Something that is in pin point peak
For to go over that one no longer can seek
In light it shows outline so true
The color that compliments is azure blue

Rising up a top to summit free
Overlooking all from vantage point to see
Base of rock pushes up like a fountain
This outline from blue is the spirit of the mountain

Dom*Colucci © 2020

"Here" is truth*

"Here" is truth*

What just left is now far behind
What is ahead is another find
But yet what is in between is neither of the two
The present is always here where eyes can view

Whatever you hold onto that makes the next moment exist
Within this feeling either good or bad will always persist
Setting your attention on the emptiness in seeing
Focus the void to make the same texture for the being

Once the goal is in sight and has been achieved
Then that in this one that nothingness is now received
Illusions and lies  disappear as they use to cling
Now a perceiving into within as truth doth bring

Because truth has no attachment this can be never
Truth is by itself and it is lies that plot to be clever
When this is recognized, objectives move on of a world
And the door to freedom within has begun to unfurl

There really is nothing standing right where objects stay
They are just pictures in the mind's eye in the way
But when one goes within they seem to disappear
No longer of the picture but internally that sees right here

Dom*Colucci © 2020

Samadhi, the enlightenment*

Samadhi, the enlightenment*

Could it be a place here not there?
A place so vivid that within is aware?
Depths filled with a void that is so free?
Nothing that is everything and always empty?

No collection of chatter and not even a thought?
A place filled with eternity no need to be sought?
But low when one's eyes can no longer look
That is when the one that the depths have took

Involvement is no longer as the  "I" fades away
There is no reason for any ego to make it stay
Because why? No attachment and suffering with desire
No longer a struggle to make this to be tire

A simple feeling that like a leaf in the wind
Freedom that comes without end or to begin
All alone no longer a entanglement to be one
For it is that one that lost that one and now it is none

Dom*Colucci © 2020

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...