Saturday, March 28, 2020

Here stands for itself*

Here stands for itself*

The wheel is a devastating truth
It came out of nowhere without forming a root
It was suppose to be all by itself left alone
And to the one without touching that to be at home

But that wasn't to be and also not so
The being got agitated going to and fro
This was seen in the illusion some sort of mind
Now that being was detached from peace in a new find

But what did it accomplish a new image to look
Yes this find was now of suffering that became hooked
So it set itself outward of a world to prove this was
Without believing in consequences from conditions to cause

Now a new cross was to bear as it did not listen within
And living in the silence and stillness again and again
Instead it seems its new friend was to be misery and not free
This new being is also a coward with fear and ego as it is an identity

So where did identity come from all along
In a spiritual realm it never belonged
Its beauty is really nothing, truthful and pure
And its life is eternity being here always and that's for sure

Dom*Colucci © 2020


  1. Replies
    1. ~ego was made of eyes that look and ask questions~the wisdom within you need not search but see what is in the light that already knows~thank you my Precious Flower and enjoy~

    2. one should not be guided by ego, but curiosity is good! that too asks questions, looks for answers!

    3. ~many of the world can only be guided by such nonsense~they look for answers that really in the world there is no questions~you are already complete as the SOUL* made you to be this way!your blueprint has been mapped out fpor you before you arrived and all one has to do is follow through and the SOUL* sees it to be effortlessly~sad that we view ourselves to do it alone but we are only the vehicle~a higher power is the driver~it is like taking a nut to a bolt as if it is not aligned you start to strip the both and now it does not work~enjoy my Precioius Flower!thank you~


Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...