Sunday, July 26, 2020

You are only a guest*

You are only a guest*

When an infant is born it is as innocent as can be
The eyes of such tender love that in wonder do see
As what this baby grows up and is taught
In essence it is from another that has their thoughts

But here is the tricky part as it is set on the long trail
That from those teachings comes eyes with a veil
Now all the long its subconsciousness sets in
A pattern with habits to do it again

Within these habits depends what it is about
It could be taught to live with all kinds of doubt
Hence its future does not seem to be appealing
And it is sabotaging its life in what its stealing

But some really get it, that is not them at all
They relearn what life is before they drown or take a fall
In knowing such knowledge and wisdom to boot
They seen something on the other side of their mind, another route

They now feel fulfilled with optimism and joy
They tricked their way of life to be better in another ploy
In doing so they see others that cannot see
They are no longer in that frame of mind, hence they are free

So now those seeing something of a purpose and meaning
Distortion from before, it was that focus they were leaning
In that case they can finish out their life happily before they rest
To know that they were not here to be attached but only be a guest

Dom*Colucci © 2020

Saturday, July 18, 2020

"I" don't know, only true self does*

"I" don't know, only true self does*

Where does this "I" come from?
Believe it is duality and not one
Hence this "I" takes ownership as such
It is like King Midas in all its touch

But many do not really know that it suffers
It seeks dominance as it tries to be tougher
And along that way it works hard to maintain 
In the external world it tries to change

But really there is no such thing as an external world
It is only a fantasy of the wheel that it whirls
That world it gets harder to hold onto and take hold
The moments that go by only start to break and fold 

So did you come here to have a struggle to be free?
To keep the attachment of "myself, I and me"
Too bad as you are missing out of who you are to be
And that is buddha nature, that is the one that sees

Dom*Colucci © 2020

Sunday, July 12, 2020

This time tomorrow*

This time tomorrow*

No one ever knows what is around the bend
Could it be a new beginning or the possibility of the end
Searching for answers in always to look
Making a straight line from a crook

Seeking in what is not there from the start
Breaking away from oneness and pulled apart
What does one do when they cannot find?
With this known it is not of their mind

Stumbling then through life knot knowing 
Choosing other things in where they are going
So they become blind filled with many sorrows
And still they are here this time tomorrow

Dom*Colucci © 2020

Saturday, July 4, 2020

To eyes shall be one*

To eyes shall be one*

A dream that seems that cannot be awake
It is revolving in KARMA for its own sake
It arrives as quickly as soon as it left
It did not hold back and never for itself kept

In its cycle it keeps looking in what it feels
But really in KARMA there is no feeling but a wheel
So to that one that does seek and reaches no solutions
It is all about letting go for this is its conclusion 

When all has come to calm and no motion is ever set again
The duality of both beginning is also the same as the end
One then sees clearer as opening shall come
Then eyes that are cleared the direction is always now one

Dom*Colucci © 2020

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...