Saturday, August 8, 2020

Go along for the ride you have to let go*

Go along for the ride you have to let go*

Have you ever known how much grace nature always has?
The fluidity of all things and the wind so gently it pass
All in nature take advantage of this in the surround
From heavens up above to the solid firmness of the ground

To see birds, bees and also pretty butterflies
Go by without effort and touch the forever skies
This tells me something about what is God's love
It not only is here on where we are but eternal place up above

What a feeling that must be to align your being in a great frequency
To have such guidance and above all internal wisdom to see
Clarity all around in the truth you now know
As now you move around freely and have also let go

For you see in letting go that wind will take you for a ride
But you have no fear in destination as guidance is always inside
Because the secret that was not told to you all the long
Spirit that made you to go with the ride in where you always belong

Dom*Colucci  © 2020


  1. Absolutely true. If only we could go with the flow with peace in our heart!

    1. ~one has to become still with oneself and believe right where they are is this peace~the mind has to become of no mind and trust that all is in your surround is working for you and not against you~eleviate the monkey man in all its chatter~as there is none within you always~thank you my Precious Flower~


Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...