Sunday, September 6, 2020

Made to be awake*

Made to be awake*

Wondering in a world that has no beginning or end
But to be present always again and again
Seek no longer as this to be complete
Nothing here to ever win or to defeat

Presence in making the mind so calm
Soothing to have no pain silence is the balm
To know each moment has come and  past
Detachment always in the texture nothing to last

But when this expires that to which moves
The only real thing that really does not prove
Hence a truth that really no one sees
Because people are complacent being ignorant and not free

So if there are any regrets to be here
The only one really  this to be clear
It is because of a physical object that did not know
But now that is gone and never will it show

Then all of the suffering has walked away
What was the purpose in existence to stay?
To see something in what it was to make
And merge with a SOUL* to be awake

Dom*Colucci © 2020


  1. beautiful. When soul wakes up all chaos calm down.

    1. ~n ow after all these words I write listening to my SOUL* by now you would believe I would be awakened~I guess I have a few more hurdles to rid myself of my own ignorance~you do not know how much I long for that moment to happen as I had 2 of them so far~bless you my Precious Flower and thank you~


Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...