Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Stillness freezes*

Stillness freezes*

What is it about this place?

It just knows what is in this space

It looks around from one spot to that

Because of its stillness it moves not but just sat

The area brings on from the space, the wind

It blows through every reed, on the ground and tree limb

A pond that had so much life popping up in the spring

Now it stands dormant no life but surrenders to dying

Now as later on and also with the past

Once again there is no pause and will not last

The pond just stays still and also is froze

Until the spring that will come again and all of life will have arose

Dom*Colucci © 2020

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Cool air spreads itself highly low*

Cool air spreads itself highly low*

Crisp cool air fastens itself to the wind

Downdraft to an uplifting feeling once again

A forest that grows a beard of trees to the mountain slopes

In every root there is there is trust without hope

A oneness to gather as these trees cover the ground

The roots are communicating to each other in this surround

They are sending signals that all is taken care of including above

They have a tremendous feeling with such protection, guidance and love

Even though it is the air has that chill

From opening skies releasing it as it spills

But to see once in awhile a cloud will hit the mountain tall

The mountain is only inhaling the smoke of air as the surround ends from fall

Dom*Colucci © 2020

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Extinguished flame*

Extinguished flame* 

Illumination from the east

Sun rises like bread made from yeast

It takes a walk across the big blue sky

There are a few clouds that diminish and pass by

It is intensified in brightness by noon

Heat is on hopefully bringing relief soon

As it moves on further to keep walking towards the west

Moving at its goal, to be slotted as it knows its rest

To see its diffusion spread across the horiZEN* line

The light soon returns home and that is fine

But from this diffusion the spread seems to be on fire

The sky comes to ablaze in intensity and soon retires

Dom*Colucci © 2020

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Clouds in my coffee*

Clouds in my coffee* 

Dreary Saturday morning a grayish feeling around

Cloudy are the skies, dampness on the ground

It is one of those days one really needs a spark

To open up within and extinguish the dark

Pull the wisdom  inside within so deep

To make it arise and not be asleep

For I did not wake up to go back and close my eyes

Or to watch the dismal day from gray clouds go by

But instead to cherish what is right here with me

Yes to open my eyes, be awaked and make me see

For this is a Saturday to enjoy being up

Wash away those clouds, make some coffee and have a cup

Dom*Colucci © 2020

The du(e)al is the fool*

The du(e)al is the fool* 

All in the surround does not oppose

It is the mind and its ego that does, I suppose

For of all of it is already complete

In every place you go no opposition to meet

Hence then that one can say

Being of wholeness is always the way

But another thing to consider this to be so

It is also the body that is not recognized or know

It needs to have an experience and it seems

That this experience keeps it asleep and be of the dream

From the dream you long to look and seek

Searching high and low even behind doors to take a peek

But yet you still find nothing to give you relief

You strive for more out of this in your belief

They have a term for this, ignorance is its fool

That term is not of one but of two, it is dual

Dom*Colucci © 2020

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...