Sunday, August 8, 2021

Do you know where this takes you?

Do you know where this takes you? 

What did you awaken to as you got up today?

Did something call for you to be on your way?

Or is it in the script that is an invisible plan?

That the higher consciousness knows right where you stand

And if that is the case then why defy this all the time?

Do you ever wish to your to be of harmony and rhyme?

So you go about of this world with ideas to be

And with some "hope" that you will wish to see

And to change everything around and this is what to feel

But it does not happen the way it is plan because of a variable KARMIC wheel

But you struggle along and push your weight to the goal

Because of your "thoughts" you have is under complete control

That is not the case in this life that all is illusional and temporary 

I say just go with the flow without resistance and you will see

That all this life was a movie and we all played a part in the script

A movie that really had no meaning to it just a point from A to B trip

One day will come and you will wonder where did life go

Something you will never hold onto as the past will never show

Like entering a tunnel on the other side it will bring

Will you go into more suffering or be an angel with wings?

Dom*Colucci © 2021


Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...