Sunday, August 29, 2021

Mouth of the pond, sprinkles to the taste*

Mouth of the pond, sprinkles to the taste*

Quietly I ponder in solace of the room

No anticipation to get anywhere soon

Journey I take from sitting in this past

No longer of substance this time did not last

Now I move in slowly from this journey to a pond

A slight breeze settles in , partially calm

One drop is felt from rain or maybe two

Watching how they hit the surface plane in view

Now more and more seem to group up and going south

The pond invites all new comers in multiple mouths

But a drenching is taking to this place in which it receives

Soaked to the bone now, it is time to leave

Dom*Colucci © 2021


  1. Really loved this one. It is so peaceful! One can actually feel the rain drops falling on the pond. Blessed!

    1. ~thanks~last weekeend it was raining and looked dep into where I was sitting`heard the voice and commenced writing~enjoy~

  2. Really loved this one. It is so peaceful! One can actually feel the rain drops falling on the pond. Blessed!


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