Sunday, December 26, 2021

To lose the trek, it is cause to effect*

To lose the trek, it is cause to effect* 

What makes all the noise?

Is it two things that go together or a voice?

The in betweens of both accept what is coming 

Whether how silent it is or how exclamatorily stunning

A frequency needed to set up the next part

A creation no matter how catastrophic to reach the end from start

I can truly then say without discourse

That it is all about its origin which is Source

From that little frequency, a chain of events has begun

Like a domino effect as it goes through it has to be one by one

This is the same way how life took its trek

You cannot know about this ignorant life without cause to effect

Dom*Colucci © 2021

There is no destination, only origin*

There is no destination, only origin* 

Traipsing through the forest on a crisp fall day

Surpassing all on the path trees rush by on the way

Clouds above are being masked by the hands ever climbing

Deep below in the ground roots move through in finding

A glimpse of more wisdom and love is the connection

Entwined and grasping setting in balance in truth direction

The journey moves onward an incline comes in view

From the grade upward a slight struggle is meant to go through

A bit of ease comes upon within a need of a break

Few short moments to catch rhythm ease pulse in its take

As nearing the destination, it is seen with being aware

No longer a beginning to end but more of here instead of there

Dom*Colucci © 2021

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Eliminating all obstacles eternally*

Eliminating all obstacles eternally*

Disruption over His own kind

Left those of "authority" a dismay of mind

So that one knows of how to make it discreet

Taking it upon themselves of disposal to meet

Hence no crime has been made placed back in their hands

So, they took it once again a charge to reprimand

This time the authority took this crime in their plea

This man was not of their own and was not allowed to be free

A trial was taken place and the man was held accountable of His plot

Crucifixion was the punishment and liberation was not

The man was held only by His connection to the Divine

But in silence a plea was given, and a voice enter his mind

The voice came with splendor and the act will be for all of man

To have all see of this act of liberation to show all where they stand

So, this man went to the cross and showed everyone what freedom is

And there is a little amount of suffering in how to exist

If you take a look at the message what is shown in what He did

Then one notices attachment to earthly treasures and a truth not hid

Man's punishment has always been attachment, ignorance in desire

To be attached to earth is the same as a hell there on fire

This man was finally taken down from His cross He doth bear

And sent in wraps no longer to be there

But His promise was kept, and the third day came a close

He woke up with the Holy Spirit and from the dead He arose

While now with His Father a Universe in heaven aligned

He is in the beauty, happiness and joy so Divine

All it took was to roll the stone held back by a pebble in the cave

Now ascended into heaven to shower all willing to be saved

Dom*Colucci © 2021

Maybe this time is the last*

Maybe this time is the last* 

Come as I did with all of this wonder

The sky opened up, no lightning or thunder

An arrival that comes with the SOUL* in mind

To be with a clear mission that is not to be blind

A consciousness that knows from before

Another reincarnation from a past life and another door

It is then from the beginning which is at birth

To see where one is going into its worth

It is all what is up to with what has been learned

To either go with suppression or happiness long term

If one cannot see their own truth and become awakened

Then it will never happen until they are shakened

Only few will live their truth, and many will follow

To those that are in their truth the others seek tomorrow

Such a pity to those reaps what they sow

But to the small few that are awakened, their truth always shows

Dom*Colucci  © 2021

Oh wind oh wind begin again*

Oh wind oh wind begin again* 

Oh, blustery wind come down from the north

Moving with force and blowing with force

Nothing can stop you as you pick up on your path

Leaving obstacles in rubble with such wrath

You're flexing your strength with muscle

Your tail end does not hang on with any tussle

You and you alone know when to come to an end

Your perpetual motion picks up again and again

Sorry that it is nature which has always the truth

Like everything in nature this too has a root

The wind seeks and opening from its Source

As it comes from any direction from south, east, west and north

Dom*Colucci  © 2021

Look that it sees instead*


Look that it sees instead*

Futile as it may come by

Chilled to the bone

All I do is just try

But why is it I am always alone?

Is it just because I do not know?

Or is it that I am out of psynch?

This feeling that I can't show

In every moment that I blink

Maybe that the key is I just don't understand

That could be a possibility

That I punish myself with much demand

Or is it because I look instead of, see?

Well time will go by, and I will still be here

That one day it shall be known

That what I did not see sees me crystal clear

Dom*Colucci  © 2021

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...