Monday, January 17, 2022

The hole is the whole that holds*

The hole is the whole that holds* 

Look really deep in the center of a hole

Do you see its origin and where it unfolds?

It is called Fibonacci and has a mathematical tint

Now do you see it as this is the hint

Somehow a strong frequency is made to manifest

It is the desire of God to His request

If only you could see what God sees too

You would be aligned with everything in life perfect in view

Then you would merge strongly within the Divine

And as you go along in life know how it unwinds

Remember what I wrote about Fibonacci above

But to get to the center it will always be your heart of love

Dom*Colucci © 2022

Let's stick together*

Let's stick together*

Out of nowhere it came and was very bold
Temperature started dropping and got sort of cold
It was a chill right to the bone
And it felt depressing and all alone

Then the sky was getting dark quick
Something was coming and began to stick
It was tiny stars frozen in space
Brisk and fresh oh what a taste

Then it started to group on the surface all together
A change from a while ago now this was in the weather
Seems it was in an insulating value especially from the sky
A wonderful dance on display blending and joining in its tie

It was having so much fun a the persisted
Ah and open area falling snow nothing resisted
But the sky moved on and was no longer seen
It went westward to form once again another team

Dim*Coliucci  © 2022

Freedom is within*

Freedom is within* 

Settling back in what has been known

To this point it has been shown

What was real turned out to be fake

It is in a world that if you believe it to make

Hence then it can only be of somewhat a dream

If you linger with it longer suffering it seems

Habits to patterns a very KARMIC wheel

The more you are involved with it, the center it steals

The moment you realize it needs to be detached

Break off those hinges on the door by removing the latch

And with the door gone an opening you will see

It is that moment when you and your SOUL* are now free

Dom*Colucci © 2022

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Now is one*

Now is one* 

I sit here and dwell on what is happening to me

I seem to drift away from the search and instead I see

A wonder has just come over me that I cannot explain

A self-realization without having a physical or no name

My sensations have no feelings seems something has disappeared

No thought can drift to a past or future but only here

But noticing what has happened I feel not alone

This event in my life it seems nothing is owned

Deeper involved in this state that nothing in view

Seeing this within and to get to the truth

Now that this has taken place something has begun

Now is the dissolving and the Universe that is within becomes one

Dom*Colucci © 2022

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...