Saturday, February 12, 2022

Known and N"OW-NED"*

Known and N"OW-NED"* 

Into a stupor from my origin until now

Ignorance from what was learned and allowed

Looking and searching from this riddle

But turn back within and it is here in the middle

Why were my eyes so blind? 

The me I was supposed to know I could not find

But all it takes in a aha moment is this

The origin that is here only exists

So hence there can be nothing out there to meet

It was always that origin of the present that is complete

So if you are still seeking in what to look for

Search no further it is you standing in the open door

Dom*Colucci  ©  2022

Saturday, February 5, 2022

Leaf it alone*

Leaf it alone*

Pondering outside a window from above

Looking at a path and wondering of

I see a gust of wind in its push

Lightly going along not in a rush

Life in a lifeless space so I see

Nothing attached as it is to be free

But my focus is on a leaf all alone

It has detached from its healthy home

And now with its freedom it gets strewn about

Never to return where it came from without a doubt

So it just moves along and seeks nothing ahead

No more suffering as it enjoys this instead

Dom*Colucci © 2022

Life in a breeze*

Life in a breeze* 

One moment and one sky

Do not let this present go by

Listen deeply, let what it is to sing

A rhythm so smooth that peace it brings

Did you ever hear the wind, its breeze that comes through?

Movement so direct and comfort so true

A beautiful blend to make birds fly

To lift leaves up from the dead to give it a try

When you are alone on a mountain or trail

Uplifting this wind from its coming to its tail

Enjoy this feeling bathe in its essence

Take this with you continuously in its presence


Dom* Colucci © 2022

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...