Monday, December 26, 2022

To ("C") see in the one and enters*

To ("C") see in the one and enters*  

As the days go by and the older one gets

Still in the search as you ain't seen nothing yet

So, what is one to do in this quest?

To keep moving onward until expiration is one's rest?

Many will not see this as they are taught in what they are to learn

But there's another side away from non-sense if one returns

And that side is that one whole and complete

To seek what is within in merge of the SOUL* to meet

Yes, it is of balance, and it holds harmony too

And from that it already knows of the who are you

That is where all life stems and emanates one has entered

Suffering is now no longer as this one has found their center

Dom*Colucci © 2022

Know one to no one*

Know one to no one*

Does anyone know who God is?

Does anyone know that God exists?

The whole world is in commotion 

But no one comes up with this notion

That ignorance is bliss to its taste

And the SOUL* goes to a wrongful waste

And yet people go through a struggle day by day

Hating each moment in having their way

But that is OK that no one sees but looks

In search of answers through others and books

But sorrowful as it seems though I laugh

That everyone seems to be a joke or a gaffe

So, I continue in my silence and become still

That the day will come but only until

All will be unhooked and no longer latched

From the God within and the ego unattached

Dom*Colucci © 2022

Why am I who?

Why am I who?

 There is still a part of man

To this day he cannot understand

Where did he ever come from?

From the moment of birth until he is done

This has to be the greatest mystery played out

Ever theory he comes up with is fill with doubt

So, for the longest time he can be of and asks why

He will never get a clear picture in question to say;;;who am I?

Dom*Colucci © 2022

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...