Monday, April 12, 2010

The road is none but has Soul there*

The road is none but has Soul there*

The road is no road, it is just motion
Do you see a path on the sea or ocean?
It is in ones mindset that this is a plan
But Soul put us here as woman or man
It is the Soul who is in the driver seat
Heaven sake let the physical and the Soul meet

Dom*Colucci 2010


  1. When the physical meets Soul is when all suffering is gone, for all suffering is cause by the desperate quest of the Soul to find its body back.


  2. My Dearest Shiamala...Epiphany time,you are on to something as I see what is going on here with the physical and the Soul....enjoy as well(+)

  3. Golden Lotus of God's stand so correct as we go through life we are suppose to enjoy whatever the Soul points us in through God and not question, resist or judge any of it as we go makes for a smoother transition for Higher Consciousness when the physical journey is done..enjoy as well(+)


Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...