Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Freedom in Awareness*

Freedom in Awareness*

Invisibility that hides energy here
The feel of nothing as it is crystal clear
The movement of a started moment so True
The reflection being sent transparent back to you
All around is so open and free
No temptation or attraction in letting it be

Dom*Colucci 2010


  1. And what a great way to be
    in this state
    knowing that it is
    never too late
    and always there
    to share
    if only being aware


  2. Invincibility in full Awareness

    Invincibility is attained
    With gaining the awareness of the fullness of the Enregy of Creation
    Which is Love Unconditioned,
    to flow unimpeded, thus being exposed.

    Invincibility, understood as the full awareness of the flow of that energy, established in you, making you be established in the SELF,

    Gives the feeling of nothingness - nothing more disturbes you, while you flow into anything the SELF chooses to experience, without disturbing anything, just making one whith the object of enjoyment and the process of it.

    The START of this porcess is also the END, both are expressions of nothingness as well, for where is the start in the non existant time and where is the end? Crystall clear about that one.

    The reflection being sent transparent back to you
    All around is so open and free
    No temptation or attraction in letting it be,
    I agree.

  3. My Dearest Mieke, I cannot tell you enough on how freedom of one's thoughts makes one be as just to move about freely is a great thing to do..as really there is no plan in life other to just show up as Awareness already knows the positive being you are as you are....enjoy as well(+)

  4. Yes my Dearest Shiamala as Love makes the One in ITS Invincibility and why is that..Love is already in the balance and because of that it sits in the gap with no resistance...which in turn is continuous perpetuality if there is such a word...thanks for your prose with poetic gest in it as well..enjoy as well(+)


Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...