Thursday, August 26, 2010

Ignorance sees itself*

Ignorance sees itself*

Colourful moth of play with no name
Dust of amber waves of grain
Wind of change has made a different course
Separate from attachment made its divorce
Now the freedom is involved has its wings
Breath of One made the heart and Soul sing

Dom*Colucci 2010


  1. The major change is when you divorce the notion of your own path to enlightenment, no matter how preciously you have adorned it in your ignorant mind, how much you have cherrished it in your selfish heart... Just drop the ownership, expand the heart to incorporate all LOVE and move the PATH in VIBRANT SILENCE.

  2. I see what you mean...words, words, words getting them out of my head as where did they come from...



  Golden dragon aflame Clouds to hide River is running away* Dom*Colucci © 2014