Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Joyous morning here*

Joyous morning here*

Sitting here in imagination's world
Starting to see the day unfurl
I am visiting this glorious place in light
Seeing an invisibility which is in sight
The aroma of sweet cedars and soft pines
Every bit of this morning working out fine

Dom*Colucci 2010


  1. taking it all in
    making a new begin
    having a ball
    and a cup of coffee
    to complement it all


  2. Yes, Dom, I loved your insight! We are the visitors of imaginary worlds to experience them. With full awareness of that we go to enjoy and suffer and get out to another world to enjoy and suffer again, waiting for Brahma, the Supreme Creator of our minds to close his eyes and stop manifesting worlds. One question remains for me, though, and I wonder if you have an answer for it yet: WHY SUFFER, INSTED OF ONLY ENJOYING?

  3. Dear Shiamala,

    Permit me to add my two cents in a poetic form to your question:

    Even a baby suffers from growing pains
    Always breathing in and breathing out
    brings everything around and about
    the eternal cycle of pleasure and pain
    of being and remain
    of learning and repeat
    of winning and defeat
    of gaining insight and regret

    Being One with the paradox
    just like that
    means surrendering to That what Is

    Consciousness or Awareness to me means:

    Being without interpretation

    One starts with being without interpretation, going through a process of duality and in ones old age moving back to simply being again.

    In the western world they call old age dementia
    In the eastern world they call old age wisdom

    Without interpretation it is neither
    It just is, centered in ones beingness

    Well, this has been my learning school up till now, hope it may perhaps answer your question a little bit.

    Love from Mieke

  4. Thank you very much, lovely Mieke, for this beautiful explanation. You will always be deep in my heart, please, don't vanish from my life. You are a substantial part of it.

    Love you back, dearest

  5. And you are in mine dearest Shiamala :)

    Am always here
    creating a gentle atmosphere
    listening to my poetic guide
    creating (word) patterns inside

    then turning my vision into 3D
    creating another experience this way
    a true perpetuum mobile :)

  6. Good vibes the best vibes as all is involved in life with this peaceful reality we enter in..enjoy as well my Dearest Friends(+)


Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...