Friday, July 29, 2011

Love, sweet to be complete*

Love, sweet to be complete*

The Love from you, is fruit off the vine
Tasting so sweet, like lips to the wine
I must slow down with this passion for you
To make Love whole, in all we do
My heart will beat one pump at a time
With this in completeness, our Love will be fine

Dom*Colucci 2011


  1. Dear Dom: Definitely feeling the energy from the excitement of love; feeling pumped up! To make it last and last take small sip and savour. And To smooth all this love into a smoothness of consistency and continual smooth takes some doing or not doing. To be so smooth as to have an longlasting continually residual application to the heart chaka this happens by intent. And so into this life of loving intent, as one loving spreads this tremendous feeling of love, which keeps ever-expanding from the heart into all places inbetween (which is most places). Likes Loves to spread it on so thick that this sticky sweetness is combined with others ingredients given freely to become the best tasting, finest wine in the valley. Now That takes mastery! And I'm just not talkin' wine here!

  2. like the nectar to a butterfly or the pollen to the you can plainly see this as the Universe takes real good care within God's Consciousness which I experienced in the growth of nature surrounding me on my climb back in May on Crane Mountain Pond....enjoy and sorry I did not get back sooner here as I have been working on book three and Now my copyright has come back for book two(+)


Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...