Thursday, March 8, 2012

A vessel for creation*

A vessel for creation*

A vessel that carries life inside
Child that she bears, nine months it resides
Her stature is true and she is also strong
Her heart so Loving and caring, right where it belongs
It is woman that God created to be the queen she is, you see
Her nature is so pure, demure, open and wonderfully carefree

Dom*Colucci 2012


  1. a beautiful ode to fairer sex. both genders have their beauty- nature is generous to all.

    lots of love.

  2. Nice ode on International Women's day :)
    I am still an embryo
    Capable to grow and grow
    And so
    Together with my brother
    We can reach for the stars
    Being in the hearts of one another

  3. Happy Woman's Day Ladies..yes I made this poem up this morning and did not even know that it is your special day...amazing how that happens...enjoy my Dearest Mieke and my Precious Flower of God's Love(+)
    Dom* AKA soulbro*;)xoxoxo@}--

  4. btw thanks for the enhanced poetry to the poem as well my Dearest is the icing on the cake...enjoy as well(+)


Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...