Saturday, October 20, 2012

The forest has Snow White*

The forest has Snow White*

"Mirror, mirror on the wall
Who is the fairest one of all"
Said the evil witch to reflect
Her vanity was to be very direct
She did this in the morning for the day to begin
As the same answer came by again and again

Until one day something took a turn
An answer came and her ego got burned
For there was another woman with vanity so fair
It seems this woman had a heart that cared
And she was so sweet and beauty was bar none
She lived in the forest, yes she was the one

The witch found out that her name is Snow White
And she would go to her to do wrong and not right
So her scheme was to make a poison apple to eat
With a knock on the door for both to meet
And then walk away and leave her alone
To become very sick and to expire at home

So Snow White took the apple in sight
Put it towards her mouth and took a bite
A bit later in the evening she felt very sick
The evil witch's plan surely did the trick
So she fell on the floor and it seem she was dead
But it seemed something different was happening instead

She lived with seven dwarfs that took care of her in the days
She tidied their house while they went to work on their way
They came home and seen in the light
Snow White was on the floor, what a terrible sight
They gathered around her and felt so blue
They really had no idea what to do

They believe she was dead and built a coffin made of glass
And put in the forest with this as time did pass
As a prince was riding by on a handsome stead
He seen something in a distance, curiosity to his need
So he found this woman under glass, he thought she died
Amazing how he seen her, as she was in the open and not to hide

He took the glass off and bent down to give her a kiss
How in the world could he hold back, her beauty hard to resist
She then opened her eyes and seen a wonderful man
But did not know who he was for he was the prince of that land
He took her on his horse and away they left out of sight
He made her his princess, this ends the story of Snow White

Dom*Colucci 2012

1 comment:

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...