Tuesday, February 1, 2011

My whim is your wish*

My whim is your wish*

You seem all toasty under the blankets in bed
I will make breakfast for you and bring it here instead
Darling, my heart sees you always within well being
My love in my heart caters with what you are seeing
Stronger for the both of us as you enjoy what I give
So great a life in love we have and do live

Dom*Colucci 2011


  1. Sweetly romantic. Love it ... and most thoughtful if true. I suspect it is. Good for you, Dom.

  2. splendid and warm.

    hope you are relishing your new job. all the best now and forever.


  3. Thanks my Dearest Jamie..it is great flavour to awaken in such Love to give breakfast in bed with a passionate heart..enjoy as well(+)

  4. thanks my Dearest Golden Lotus of God's Love for your warm heart as well...I start the 15th of February..it is at Bank of America near me..not much traveling after 36 years with the US Government...felt like I never worked there...oh well see some great people once again..enjoy Love(+)

  5. What You so sweetly give
    is exactly how you live

    Everything comes back to You
    in love and gratitude

    From You to Me
    From Me to You

    Nothing else exists
    But Love
    so true

  6. I Love this one..I seem to have heard this tonite by someone who is close to my heart always...who would that be?....hmmmmm?..Love ya and thanks for the wonderful words in poetic gest...enjoy as well(+)

  7. Dear Dom: Ever the romantic is alright with me! Breakfast in bed an added bonus! Lovely and warmhearted joy formed from the poet of feel good soulfullness! Makes me wholly want more!But I'll wait...til the next incline time.

  8. Patience in Love my Love is the best, as a flower grows more deep with inside as it shows more and more beauty of itself in doing so happily through its growth one step at a time...enjoy my Dearest chiccoreal...enjoy(+)

  9. The picture is credited from yahoo images.


Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...