Monday, February 7, 2011

Enjoying this quietness together*

Enjoying this quietness together*

A quiet afternoon which such peace
I see that silence is of our feast
We can embrace in both each others arms
And marvel at the heart in Love with all its charm
Lover, let us put ourselves in this relaxed state
To me just being near you, I will always celebrate

Dom*Colucci 2011


  1. So it is
    and will always be
    I am in You
    You are in Me

    We both will travel this
    Uni Verse
    In such a delightful way

    Like we always did
    And it will always stay

    Sanctifying each day
    and when the Sun sets
    we will be asleep together
    until there comes
    Holy Day
    in which we silently awake
    Sun setting in
    at daybreak

    Love You always, in all ways
    both hearts entwined


  2. Beautifully written as all I can say..such wonderful expression of Love for us are a Truly beautiful woman and I am so glad I met you..our Souls know of this as well...enjoy Love(+)

  3. I truly am so glad to have met You too.
    It is God that brought us together.

    It is a beautiful dimension to be in with you.
    Always, love you from my heart

    xoxoxo Mieke

  4. may we then stay together and enjoy every moment with this....enjoy my Love from my heartphone to yours as well(+)


Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...