Thursday, February 10, 2011

Love is ours all day long*

Love is ours all day long*

Brilliant sunshine played out on your face
Beauty abounds as love leaves its trace
My heart swoons this love for you to me
Seeing the both of us to be joyous and free
Come let us take a walk and hold each other tight
And be of this day with our hearts to the night

Dom*Colucci 2011


  1. The path will be smoothly
    we dance light-heartedly
    on the stairway
    to heaven
    which we both hold inside
    we are always there
    but we love to play
    hide and seek
    until we meet again
    at the Greek


  2. LOLOLOL...STOP THAT I SAY STOP tickle my gut with your poems...I must admit that you are extremely witty and very and I mean very funny...Love them all Love....enjoy as well(+)

  3. Dear Dom: "The Greek" (thanks Mieke) I sense this poem is an Ode to the Metaphors; Beauty capitalizes on the ideal concept of Love in a way which creates a culture of archetype images. I see Cherubs and Rococco paintings by Fragonard, and I want to play in this garden as long as I leading up to that special day of St. Valentines'! Light airy.. feels so wonderful to me; let me stay awhile?

  4. i really love your duets with mieke- you should add them to your poems :)

    lovely poem. just loved it.

  5. Yes my see the whole nature of this poem being all day long as if it was St. Valentine's I did a calculation on my birth and found out that my mom and dad had me conceived if not that day but somewhere near that date as my mom cannot remember but have a suspicion I was in the making of that day....enjoy Love(+)

  6. my Dearest Golden Lotus of God's Love sounds great like maybe I should even make a poem about our duet...enjoy as well and thanks(+)

  7. Thanks chiccoreal and trisha for your kind words
    It has been such a pleasure for me
    to be able to respond to Dom's poetry
    tweeting to each other like birds lol

    You know:
    The secret of a language to me
    is its rhyming ability
    In the playfulness of this
    lies my bliss

    Wish this to every poet(tress) :)

    Love and a happy Valentine's day to all

  8. Happy Valentine's Day to as well Love..enjoy always(+)

  9. Dear Lovers ALL: Yes, Happy Valentines Day! Your poems make me love again and again!

  10. I am happy that you fall in Love again and again my Dearest Chiccoreal....may this light shine eternal in you always(+)

  11. happy Valentine's Day to all on this post...enjoy in Love always(+)

  12. The picture is credited from yahoo images.


Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...