Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I come true even in your dreams*

I come true even in your dreams*

Both of us going right to sleep
Getting within an unconsciousness so deep
I enter your reality in your dreams
My love grows fonder there it seems
Lover you have made me so happy with glee
To know I am with you even in your dreams to see

Dom*Colucci 2011


  1. This made me smile. Thank you! Love it. Wonderful poem and hope the lady appreciates it. I'm sure she does.

    Happy days, dear one ... Poem on ...

  2. You are so welcome my Dearest Jamie...enjoy as well with Love beyond dreams and thanks also(+)

  3. Our love is deep
    it is neverending
    Even in our deepest sleep
    it is mending

    And uniting in a beautiful way

    Our souls together
    So here we will stay


  4. WOW Love...I can only imagine with us both in that dream together..never ending...I Love that...Souls together makes it this way....enjoy Love(+)

  5. Dear Dom: If wishes were dreams; then I'd wish for more dreams from Dom! Amazing how the soul does travel and finds a celestial home in these recreated, created or actual reality dreams! Our minds don't differentiate apparently. Anyone else getting these nocturnal visions and what do you do about them, how do they affect the waking daylights? The heart grows fonder when it wanders in the wonderland garden of love; so enchantez!

  6. thats a cute idea, to slip into lover's dreams. :)


  7. I wish to see you there in my vision with my heart expanding always and yes there is always going to be more of my dreams, my spice cake....for it is my balance in making Love grow more and more as I touch your heart and see you in my dreams enjoying my satisfaction in all I have from my heart in which I write as well..with Love(+)

  8. you like how I can slip in a dream in as well my Dearest Golden Lotus of God's Love?...enjoy Love always enjoy(+)


Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...