Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Labor of Love*

Labor of Love*

Love I have is the Love I give
You are always invited with this to live
To give you such companionship and heart's delight
To keep our hearts together in all our might
To enjoy the fruits of the labor of Love
And thank God for this moment that comes from above

Dom*Colucci 2011


  1. a beautiful loving poem. hope you are enjoying your new job.

    lots of love

  2. That was a great one, sincerely coming from your heart. This is the TRUTH.

  3. That is such a nice one!
    Be thankful always.. it could be worse- I say that to myself.. :)

    Love xox

  4. Thanks my Dearest Golden Lotus of God's Love....I do not start the job until 11 March...this is a training exercise in doing so...enjoy as well(+)

  5. Thank you my Dearest Shiamala....and it also comes from the Soul as well...enjoy always(+)

  6. Thanks my Dearest Olivia....you are so correct but when you recognize within that is Truly being thankful because it is the Soul that is allowing all things to experience but wishes you keep the path of silence with it the best....enjoy as well(+)

  7. Dear Dom: Love this! Love is perhaps a "labour" o love because it takes intense intent, and this is intensive work here. Due to the fact we may be living in a place which isnt quite heaven yet and since love is from heaven, then it all makes sense...we've got to work at all these good things to keep them alive and thriving. And be Ever so diligent. Although, love never dies!

  8. I know exactly what you mean my Dearest chiccoreal...as it has taken me most of my Love to get this part in opening my heart...finally I believe it has been done....enjoy as well and thanks for your comment(+)


Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...