Sunday, February 27, 2011

The rose that I know*

The rose that I know*

For is it a rose none better to see?
Beauty from the stem, thorns letting them be
Oh delicious sight of fragrance to
What is more from me, is so much for you
Oh my lovely one we have been together so much
I have known you with love and been gentle to the touch

Dom*Colucci 2011


  1. Dear Dom: Much gente Love as this is the way love works! A "gentle touch"...creates these subtle and sublime (sometimes ridiculous because they are so sublime)PASSIONATE slow, like a turtle energies which stir the pot of passion ever so slowly mounting and accumulating on the higher plane breaking a Love-barrier zone or imagine a Stove Top bubbling over with LOVE Overstuffing! I do so LOVE LOVE LOVE your intense poems!!!SUCH A TREAT!!! I am feeling them what do I do with all these subtle energies, n'est pas? "My Pots bout ready to burst again!" Think I will redirect the love flow to create whatnots got to do somehting with hot flashes!

  2. you are entirely welcome my Dearest chiccoreal as enjoy all I write...I Love how you wrote about the Stove Top and then about the stuffing..cute play on words on this comment..Love ya...enjoy as well(+)

  3. The picture is credited from yahoo images.


Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...