Friday, December 20, 2013

I feel light, pick me up*

I feel light, pick me up*

It came from nowhere
Moving on just the same
It had no intentions at all
Wondering around in the sunlight
No choreograph at all
Linger, one stroke in the breeze
Falling downward but yet still dancing
Thick like a veil
Dust in the daylight window

Dom*Colucci © 2013

The flame grows*

The flame grows*

Let the clouds sweat and cry ever so more
We are both two lovers
That our heated passion can never be quenched
Let us drown more and more
Like puddles of wax on the bottom of heated wick 
Through flame of candle
No we can never die out 
For love does make us grow in such wet garden

Dom*Colucci © 2013

Saturday, December 14, 2013

My eyes you will always be*

My eyes you will always be*

A moment has come early on in spring
I have opened my heart to see what love brings
For the message was sent to find your love
You responded back, it was me you were thinking of

I have met you many times inside of my eyes
And prayed to my Soul* within heavenly skies
For now you have come into my life and my heart
This feeling that we have seems never to part

It seems this went on without a hitch
From being so lonely, for it is love that has switched
But one day had come and I felt something not there
A deep feeling that I was not aware

I turned around and had a look to see
But you were not there, you have gone from me
I realized that then that life is not certain
And the day would come to close the curtain

As I know that you have been taken to a better place
Where the love of the all Soul*s can see your face
I will always remember when I prayed from heavenly skies
And to one day see you back again, within my eyes

Dom*Colucci 2013

Sunday, December 1, 2013

I've gone here in my dream*

I've gone here in my dream*

Today is gone as the night shall I greet
Close my eyes, on the other side to meet
Go so far away into another world that shines
Paradise is calling, a wonderful find
The deeper that I am, I become so free
Lightness as well, a detached journey
Dreaming and floating, a companion to the moon
But the night moves on, as the daylight returns soon

Dom*Colucci 2013

Love of revelations*

Love of revelations*

Drowning in decadence, desire to keep
Heart further within, going so deep
This feeling that I seem to be lost inside
Surrendering to this love and to be satisfied
As I hold you tightly with my love I suppose
And not so that I feel the thorns of a rose
Delighted that I am though, love that I feel
And in ecstasy we come to, our Soul*s to be revealed

Dom*Colucci 2013

The light cannot free my love*

The light cannot free my love*

Twins in darkness, as we both to meet
Romance to have such a treat
Come to me, I feel you so strong
A love inside us both that is never wrong
Entwine we both are as this love has a hold
And to go through the motions and watch it unfold
I am your prisoner of love for now in the night
Escape not that I can, even when the day turns light

Dom*Colucci 2013

Flames consume my desire*

Flames consume my desire*

Radiant jewel, eyes of fire
Lips so sweet, heart's desire
Gentleness you are that I love so much
Warmth a feeling is your touch
You glow like the autumn moon
My love is blazing and my Soul* you consume

Dom*Colucci 2013

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...