Saturday, January 4, 2014

Love brings me home*

Love brings me home*

Silent I am for I sit here alone

This is a moment that seems all my own
I feel the pulse that goes out then in
It is my heart beating over and over again
For what is here, directs me inside more and more
Seeing from within, feeling the Soul* for sure
This love that it attracts me closer to the heart
Showing this place of origin so that I will never ever part

Dom*Colucci 2014

Cool blanket of warmth*

Cool blanket of warmth*

Disturbance has come, a little rumble inside
A cold front meets a warm one to go for a ride
The mixture is set as a frost changes dew
Little tiny angels ready to be let loose

They weigh to much to stay up above
But it is in letting go and that is love
So now it is a journey that they have found
Dancing and swirling, heading for the ground

"Come", the earth says, "come down and be free"
Cover me with your love as we now both agree
You set upon my nakedness a cold blanket in my arms
Come my little snow angels, it is you that makes me warm

Dom*Colucci 2014

Heavenly white rose*

Heavenly white rose*

Divine is the love in nature it knows
Such is the beauty in all that grows
Openness of the sky, the clouds may roam
Appearing to be nomads but right at home
In what I see of this is what I suppose
Look, puffy clouds for they are a white rose
Wafting its fragrance, going from here to there
Ahhhh!!!!garden fresh heaven in the air

Dom*Colucci 2014

Deeper in your heart*

Deeper in your heart*

Pure is the air, gentle is the breeze
Relaxed in a calm state to make me at ease
Fresh that I feel, fulfillment deep inside
Such this moment to be in, so satisfied
Allowing what is here to move right on through
Like the wind into tree limbs, letting it do what it needs to do
But to be in this state and one with heart like this
It is one with the Soul* with its love and also it is bliss

Dom*Colucci 2014

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...