Saturday, November 29, 2014

Separate but whole*

I have seem to come here with a truth
I was a product that was deep in a root
I sprawled upward and began to grow
A teaching in every moment that I know

Strength was within and I continued on
There was no end result in seeing it done
But behold that when I fell from my parent, the oak tree
They were no longer needed for who I found was me

I stayed silent for a spell and possibly journeyed a mile
Until I was comfortable to stay awhile
For now it is my turn that it is to be born
To become once again that oak tree, the acorn

Dom*Colucci 2014

Saturday, November 8, 2014

The situation arises lightly*

The situation arises lightly*

A disturbance that cannot be kept in
Wiggle room side to side to begin
A depth cannot be submerged no more
The key found the lock to open the door
Ripples intensify to start to become waves
Something arising from an unconscious grave
A Soul* within ready to take its plight
Revealing to the surface, the depth from that light

Dom*Colucci 2014

Strength speaks wisely*

Strength speaks wisely*

It is the end of autumn, time to let go
Many have already done so, still some do not know
To those that ignore this, pity them with nothing to be fulfilled
A horrific cry of misery calls out soon from the chill
Not to listen from this as the third season has spoke
But the wisdom from this tree is strong, it is the mighty oak

Dom*Colucci 2014

A "step" within myself*

A "step" within myself*

I was so innocent when I came into this place
Freedom in not knowing moving about in this space
But ignorance sets itself against who I am
It is now doubt, this way of life is the plan

A reality that walks as a shadow next to me
I am the captive of myself and not to be free
Somehow I know of something that is so deep
To escape these clutches that it cannot keep

There is another side to this consciousness that I know
To put an end to this and let it go
Yes this was the first step and it was to suffer inside
In such letting go, to do it in stride

I since moved on as now there is joy where I be
Happiness is growing steadily, I feel love within me
Seeing that I have such contentment in being right here
The picture is more in focus, it is becoming very clear

The journey is nearly over, like I climbed to a mountain top
Awareness kicks in and now I cannot stop
Yes there is something that awaits for me to see
What is there is now here, it is me that sees me

Dom*Colucci 2014

The naked blanket*

The naked blanket*

There is a change coming, feel it in the air
The picture is dying out, you see it everywhere
Even though the beauty, temporarily was here
Now it has come to let go, nothing in nature interferes

The wind is colder and it blows all around
It makes the leaves do a dance in the surround
There still is a bit of life that slowly continues on
But it just knows that soon it will be gone

The trees show their nakedness as it is their truth
They have to live within and feed off their roots
Ominous to be, that a winter will be here soon
To make this emptiness, a blank canvas and more room

Dom*Colucci 2014

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...