Sunday, May 31, 2015

It hid before it was the grid, natural beauty*

It hid before it was the grid, natural beauty*

There is a schematic that is in the natural world
In knowing not knowing, a happening unfurls
An opening is seen, internally something is ready to say
It pops out of nowhere, it is now life on its way

Though naked in the world, this is its origin of truth
The Divine guides this its wisdom to start its own root
Once this is achieved many more roots spring out like a fountain
It has started its based to grow from, now it becomes a mountain

When it arrives into the world, growing from its soil
Each moment becomes effortless without any toil
It speaks of a language while growing in such silence
No obstacle was ever in its way, there was no chaotic impedance

Now that it is open in a place that it popped from free
Enjoying the comfort with others around, the masterpiece of beauty
So we can see that all of this beauty is now on a natural grid
But before it ever came alive, it grew below and it hid

Dom*Colucci © 2015

1 comment:

One with another*

  One with another* See how the sun plays on the mountain side The moon that does move the water into the tide All in this world influences ...