Saturday, May 16, 2015

Here all the time*

Here all the time*

I walk though life with this outline of skin
Everywhere that I am, I am where I begin
So how can I ever believe of a future ahead
When in fact that future is here instead

So where did this notion come from that it made its claim
Seems that when you strive for this, you bring on more pain
The essence of leaving right where one can be
In seeking someplace from here to be happy

But that cannot ever be for here will never be there
Even if you get to that place, there is still here
Why do I then fool myself in such illusion to see
There is really nothing outside of myself but within me is me

So then the more that I can see this me that is within
It is not an external that points back but me again and again
Hence then suffering in the objective is time
But in detachment of this, here will always be fine 

Dom*Colucci 2015

1 comment:

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...