Monday, January 22, 2018

Life is good*

Life is good*

~My words they speak volumes as they come from inside
~I have found the true nature I belong to for that is an easy ride
~come listen with me as the Soul* does speak
~and see what it has deep within, come let us take a peek
~feel the joy and bliss as gratitude you shall give
~the more open that you are in this feeling with love, the more that you will live*

Dom*Colucci © 2016

Solid love*

Solid love*

~Spring time and roses, lollipops so sweet
~deep within your eyes, it is your heart that I meet
~your aura gives such beauty a glow that one cannot steal
~your Soul* shows your heart~this love that I feel
~I am so inside your heart, passion comes my way
~and to be of unity we both are~as love is here to stay*

Dom*Colucci © 2016

Coming home*

Coming home*

~Come take me away for I carry this heavy load
~to walk many a miles on this journey, a single road
~I can only move forward as this leads me on to go
~for something is pulling me out of burden as this is what it knows
~so now that I may feel a bit miserable and a stain in my heart
~I know that something deep within loves me and not to come apart
~lead me on to this way as I know that you do
~I am coming home real soon, coming to see you*

Dom*Colucci © 2016

Winter of my discontent*

Winter of my discontent*

~Desolate is the winter as it sees despair
~frosty covered depression, solid is the air
~but soon this will be washed away to see life once again
~and the misery of discontent goes away and spring to begin*"*

Dom*Colucci © 2016

No place like home*

No place like home*

~Sweet and sugar coated~frost to bite
~a blank canvas that is covered one sees in the light
~cold as can be~shivering to the bone
~but we bundle up within and say
~"there is no place like home"*

Dom*Colucci © 2016

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Moved by the wind*

Moved by the wind*

The wind gets agitated and does not know where to go
Picking up its invisible fist, striking everything with its blow
Trees feel its fury shaking limbs all around
Can you imagine such violence even without a sound
Now alot on the ground has turned into a chaotic whirlwind
Once it is laid back down, it starts all over again
All  that stayed put seemed that it was dead
But it was the wind that came by and made life instead

Dom(Colucci ©  2018

Pull me deeper as I see*

Pull me deeper as I see*

Seeing with my eyes, I can feel  so deep
Surrounded within myself, wisdom to keep
Beyond is a place that is not in front of me
But it is a past that I let go, now set free
Such a wonder existing right here in this place
Only to know what is present in this space
To have this point back at me with truth
Anchored within not without like a strong oak tree root

Dom(Colucci ©  2018

Silence is moving now*

Silence is moving now*

Yesterday as it seems, was so long ago
Passing through the present, future doesn't know
Forget about what has been as it is not here
Moving forward with heart that is oh so near

This direction always knowing of being only one
Seeing destination, the present is always done
There is a river flowing with many twists and bends
Fluidity with a purpose, it has no end

The clouds move by slowly on their way
Sun has now completed itself, the end of the day
Darkness is coming once more, the evening it shall be
Look around without a sound and feel peace and harmony

Dom(Colucci ©  2018

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Spring will never die*

Spring will never die*

Time came around on a Sunday morn
Rebirth was in the air
The feeling was spring as it was born
Winter was no longer there

Life jumped up from the ground
Now all seemed to be awake
Sun was shining all around
It was time for a wondrous break

Color made all of this happen
A palette filled with wealth
Heartbeat in all of life was snapping
It seemed like a perfect bill of health

Buds were open and bees were buzzing
Soon more life would be here to stay
Like roses blooming and dandelions fuzzing
To open more of life on its way

Let us all be happy when spring arrives
Keep that feeling well beyond
Maybe with this we find peace in our lives
And sadness with burdens will be gone

Dom*Colucci © 2018

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Is love blind?

Is love blind?

Blindly it is the love that I seek from you
I find my best for your heart in all I do
A plea to enter with such love to be true
And not to become someone of who is who
Do you know of me that I exist
It is very hard , as you seem to resist
As I ponder with this thought, so may I ask
Is it me that sees through all this, is it you wearing the mask?

Dom*Colucci © 2018

~Love pulls you away~

~Love pulls you away~

~Let me carry you along through all the bends of life
~washing all the burdens that had so much strife
~let me bring you back as you never left
~that this place that was always with you was the love that it kept
~hence we know where we are traveling to
~plainly in sight it is now in view
~as we move closer and never to again shall we part
~I feel that strange pull as it is love from my heart*

Dom*Colucci © 2018

A dot signs the page*

A dot signs the page*

The day was raining and a cloudy gloom
It was still winter felt in every room
What was coming later on was in a mix
The weather was changing to a bitter fix

The darkness set in as the day turned to night
All of the sudden a shower of frozen drops and snow so white
It intermingled and swirled all around
And rapidly did it fall all over the ground

But as the night walked away and daylight began
There was a blank canvas all around as the storm did end
I looked out the window and the only life that did show
Was a very black crow walking on the frozen snow

Dom*Colucci © 2018

The morning awakens you*

The morning awakens you*

I woke up one morning as the alarm said 5 o'clock
It was for another day to start right on the dot
But as I looked and seen this in front of my face
I felt lighter and empty as tho I was only space

It took a bit to get moving again once out of bed
And started onward in all that was ahead
But something lingered on as I went along with this
There really was no awakening at all as felt nothing to resist

Who did I become if I felt nobody at all right here
That the only thing that existed was my sight so clear
After I was showered and had my coffee for the day
It seemed that nothing did happen to me and went on my way

I just chalked it up as another part of freedom was shown
Never knowing of its knowing being in the unknown
I guess this is how an awakening comes without sign or warning
Who is to say of this, that an awakening literally came in the morning

Dom*Colucci © 2018

All of life already knows*

All of life already knows*

It is somewhere along the way
Life stops by and makes its stay
From that moment on a rhythm is seen
That rhythm is continuously moving free

Tho a few difficult spots do arrive
As the struggle that is with it, both are alive
But the one that sees through adversity becomes strong
Knowing that is only temporary and never wrong

Tho one has to look and find out through these trials
That it is only a lesson on the journey not for many miles
This rhythm that is like in between words that life goes
It is the space that is there that  life already knows

Dom*Colucci © 2018

~One that knows of where they are in the present~

~One that knows of where they are in the present~

~The story is over the last chapter made~
~The foundation of an awakening has now been laid~
~For what one use to do is no longer in sight~
~That Soul* that made you to be here has now erased all what you write*

Dom*Colucci © 2017

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

See me hide*

See me hide*

Moment by moment, the sun pops up
Night time walking away, dark coffee in a cup
A purplish red sky, someone spilled the wine
Dripping all across in a distance but taking its time
Fresh is the air, very cool with a bite
Birds writing a signature above in flight
But what is that dot that I can see
Big illuminating glow smiling back at me
A few clouds going another way in seclusion
But before they all leave, there is a moon partially in occlusion

Dom*Colucci © 2018

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

You are under cardiac arrest*

You are under cardiac arrest*

Strong palpitations, love is in the air
Walking around kinda sassy, all without care
Seeing how much you are enticing me
In a trance I am in, bringing me to my knees
What is this attraction I cannot resist?
Pulling my heart away that I am gonna miss
Mercy, please my Lord as my love is to the test
What a burden I am under as tho it is cardiac arrest

Dom*Colucci © 2018

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...