Saturday, December 7, 2019

Wuji do it*

Wuji do it*

What is on the other side of the door?
Is it something that you are waiting for?
Before you attempt on that side of the line
Seek something deeper inside of your mind

Because what is there is for a reason
Variables that will follow you through all seasons
You will be tempted and the first taste off is fine
Then it starts to crumble and no longer there is no rhyme

Your attachment is now of discontent
Suffering in longing desire is what truly is meant
You will be seeking for that place that you came from
You may never find that will that is done

Your whole life will go by in not knowing of who you are
Instead you took a step from center which now seems afar
There is tho a way to get back
There are three sides to everything and that is a fact

It is that the two sides that are really the same
Both good and bad are of its name
But no one ever sees what holds them together
That it has been here eternally and will be forever

It is in the TAO*, the Wuji and when one does enter
They become balanced, present and also centered
Hence then one no longer wishes a door to go through
But to be the observer as Divine consciousness knows what to do

Eternally sitting with deities  and point events from dharma
To have those who seek to ridding themselves of KARMA
Until the day comes when everyone lives their own truth in seeing
That is the day when they see themselves from salvation in every sentinel being

Dom*Colucci © 2019

1 comment:

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...